≡Sweet Little Love ಌ Application || Han Yunhee


→ Girl # 6
Han Yunhee


Beautiful   Stranger  

{Aff Username} All4Music

{Profile Link} Click!

{What should I call you?} Rin


  Girls   On  Top    

{Name} Han Yunhee


{Age} 19

{Birthdate} November 6th, 1992

{Place of Birth} Incheon, South Korea

{Hometown} Seoul, South Korea

{Height} 168 cm

{Weight} 52kg

{Languages} Korean-Fluent || Mandarin- Fluent

{Ethnicity} Full Korean


Sexy  Lady 

{Ulzzang Name} Kang Su ra

{Links} | | | |  |

{Back-Up Ulzzang} Lee Eun Ji

{Links} | |  |  |

Yunhee is not the type of person to wear flashy clothes. She wears what she wants and what she feels like at the moment. Usually, they're plain clothes assembled in a very beautiful and eye-catching way. She likes her clothes to be comfortable so she doesn't wear anything too tight or revealing


Wonderful  Girl    

{Character you're applying for} 
1. Girl #6
2. Girl #5
3. Girl #2
4. Girl #1
5. Girl #3

{Personality} Yunhee is an independant girl who can fend for herself.  Perhaps she's not the smartest or the prettiest girl out there, but she has a strong sense of purpose and determination. Unlike some girls who feign their personalities, Yunhee is always truthfully what she wants to be. With a down-to-earth personality, she never pretends to be who she's not- she's always her wonderful true self. Never too cold or never too perky, she has a very casual and lighthearted nature.  She isn't the aegyo-girly type, but instead, she's a steady girl who is kind and funny.  Being an open girl, she's not one to hide when she's sad, or cover it up if she's happy. She does what she likes no matter what anyone says, because she believes that the true charm point of a person is their real personality.

Rarely seen without a smile, Yunhee is soft and kind to good friends. She treats others with care, and she's a kind hearted girl that would go out of her way if she's needed.  With honesty and integrity, Yunhee is one to help others, not expecting to recieve anothing in return. She has a strong sense of vitality and freedom, living with no strings attached. If people have a problem, some turn to Yunhee for help, for she listens to them attentively, and aids them in the best she can. Her bright and caring personality has the ability to lift up one's spirits and provide encouragement.

Fully human, Yunhee has a tendancy to become jealous or stubborn when the time comes for it. Having a great deal of perseverance, she's able to acomplish anything she puts her mind to, and even though it may take time, she won't give up without a fight. She's strong hearted, and she tends to do things the way she likes. She has a stern opinion on things, and her opinions are not swayed easily. Stubborn at times, she travels her own way, regardless of what other people think. She's very honest, and she's not afraid to speak her mind when the time is right. She calls it as she sees it and does not let emotion cloud her judgment. When she speaks, she speaks the truth, and although it may be shocking and surprising at times, Yunhee doesn't mean any harm. She has her flaws, just like any other person, but what makes her different is her perserverance- and that is her charm.

Yunhee's enthusiastic and warm personality is what brings others to like her. No matter how average she seems, or no matter how normal she can look- there's just a completely different aura around Yunhee that makes her alluring. If people don't take the time to see her for who she really is, they would be missing out on a lot.

{Summary} Perhaps she's not the smartest or prettiest person out there, but she has a personality that naturally attract people. Fully human, she has her flaws, but she's strong- knowing that in order to win, you must keep fighting.

♡ nature┋ the outdoors 
♡ kids they're always so cute adorable to play with
♡ bright, vibrant colors┋ bright colors just make things seem more pretty
♡ warm, sunny days┋ she enjoys the beautiful days
♡ fruit flavored candy┋ always give her a sweet and tangy taste
♡ milkshakes┋ her favorite drinks.
♡ flowers they're beautiful, and the colors and aromas of flowers are amazing
♡ calming spaces┋like libraries or cafés
♡ bunnies┋cute, cuddly, and fun to play with
♡ music┋she loves music. especially the calm, smooth ones

♡ flirts, players┋she finds them discusting
♡ tea┋they give a weird, tasteless feel
♡ bitter/spicy foods┋doesn't like the taste
♡ cold, chilly days┋dislikes being cold
♡ coffee┋doesn't like the taste
♡ overly crowded places┋she hates being squished up
♡ early mornings┋not her beauty side
♡ loud noises┋they disrupt her concentration
♡ teddy bears┋Hyunsoo hated teddy bears so she did the same
♡ the dark┋it creeps her out

♡ fidgets with her fingers when she's nervous
♡ covers when she laughs/yawns/coughs
♡ blinks when confused
♡ avoids eye contact when she's shy/embarrassed
♡ talks to herself
♡ being negative at times

♡ drawing/sketching scenery
♡ cooking
♡ taking walks in the park
♡ going to the nearby cafe to quietly sit alone
♡ playing the violin
♡ reading
♡ watching Kdramas
♡ visiting stores/resturants that know her well

♡ can't ride a bike
♡ allergic to peanuts
♡ must hug something to be able to sleep
♡ may sleep talk in Korean and Mandarin
♡ use to play the piano
♡ loves sashimi but dislikes sushi
♡ doesn't like to tie her hair
♡ use to pray on stars when she was little
♡ sometimes trips over her own feet because shes a clutz


Girl   Six

{Childhood Friend}

Song Hyunsoo | 21 | Model/ student majoring in buisness | 

Hyunsoo and Yunhee go way back. They were friends since grade school, Hyunsoo being Yunhee's first crush. They were so close that nothing could separate them- well, nothing besides the fact that Hyunsoo had to move away. The only thing that kept them together was a promise they made, saying that when they both get old enough- they would apply for Seoul University to meet up.

Years have passed and Yunee still tightly holds on to that promise. So when she sees him at registration, she can't help but feel giddy that he remembered their promise. But to her shock, when she goes to talk to him, she finds out that he didn't apply to Seoul University for her. And another thing she realizes- he's become a complete jerk.

{Give me a few ways how you are going to get him from the love book}

1. Give him food/gifts he use to like as a child
2. Help him when he needs it (even though sometimes he doesn't really need it)
3. Walk into him by "accident" sometimes to catch his attention
4. Straight up talk to him about the good memories in the past


Dear   My  Family 

Han Joowan|| Dad || Age: 52|| CEO of a jewelry company 

A strong willed man. He has power, and if he needs too, he can be very threatning. He's the guy with the big voice around town- whatever he says, goes. He's a hard worker and he doesn't give in easily.
Yunhee and her father are on okay terms. They may greet each other and have small conversations with each other, but they usually do nothing more than that. But Yunhee knows that her father tries hard to earn money to raise her, so she loves him.

Han Kyunghee || Mom || Age: 51 || Assistant of Joowan
Blunt and sharp-tounged, but caring when she needs to be. Kyunghee is different than your average mother. She says what's on her mind and doesn't hesitate to say her opinion. She holds her head high and doesn't take excuses.
Yunhee and her mom are close. Yunhee can always have light conversations with her mom, and they may even go out shopping with each other at times.

{Family Background}
Yunhee was born on a rainy day in Incheon, South Korea. Growing up wasn't much of a struggle for the Han family, as everything was already set for her. Though there were a few ups and downs, everything was nice and peaceful. And just like any other normal family, the road was smooth most ways. Even in primary school, Yunhee was quite happy due to meeting her best friend there.

Hyunsoo and Yunhee were inseperatable in school. They were like a pair- you know? Like white on rice. Many people even said they looked cute together. And so, while growing up like this, they were best of friends. They had playdates, sleepovers, and made promises. Unfortunately, at the age of 13, Hyunsoo's family had to move to another city in South Korea due to Hyunsoo's dad getting a new job. Yunhee was devistated when she found out, so she decided to confess her feelings to him, but it was too late because he had already moved.

So now, Yunhee still remembers a promise they made as little kids- to attend Seoul University together.

You   And   I  

Kim Hyejung || Age: 20|| Student || OC ||
Hyejun is usually misunderstood as a bossy and selfish person. She may come off this way, but she is completely different. It may seem that she's very rude and selfish, but it's because she cares. She's all about contradictions, and she is actually a sweet and kind person even though she doesn't show it.

Yoo Minyoung || Age: 21 || Student || OC
Minyoung has a very poised and elegant disposition. With a pure and clean image, Minyoung is envied by many others in school. But, she's one to live in the moment, making everyday count. It's very easy to smile around her.

{Best Friends}
Park Sun Young (F(x)'s Luna) || Age: 19 || Student/cafe waitress || Idol
Luna has a cute, bubbly personality. She's a dare devil that's usually wrapped up in her own fangirl fantasies about romance and 'Prince charming'. She's a talkative sweatheart, that's willing to put aside her own time to help others. She has charisma and when she starts something, she will keep at it until the results are acceptable. She's a leader; gains many friends that are attatched to her. 

Bang Minah (Girl's Day || Age: 19 || Owns a flower shop || Idol
She has a cute, bubbly personality. It may be adorable at times, but she pushes her cuteness too far, and it gets annoying.

It was her initial plan:
1. Pretend to bump into Luhan to meet him.
2. Become friendly with Luhan.
3. Get Luhan to like her.
4. Become Luhan's girlfriend.

She's gotten up to plan 2, but the whole plan has come to a road bump because of a random girl that he takes a liking to.
But to be clear, Minah's not going to give in easily. 


Loving  U  

{Love Interest} EXO-M's Luhan

Luhan has a very bright and refreshing personality. He has a soft eye smile that can brighten the darkest of days. He's a kind and sweet person with a heart of gold. Being a gentle and compassionate person, he's one to help out anyone in need. Knowing no bias, he's warm and treats everyone with care. Because of his nice and optimistic personality, people are naturally attracted him. Handsome guys and beautiful girls always surround him, being quite popular. He has the looks and money to go with his personality too.

Although he does seem like the 'full package', Luhan does have a few faults himself. It takes a while for him to catch on to specific things. He's extremely dense, and he can't usually tell when people have crushes on him when most girls he meet actually do like him. Heck- he can't even tell himself when he has a crush on someone. Which is why he's so confused on why Yunhee caught his attention at registration. Like why did he always want to help her, and talk to her; guide her so she wouldn't have any trouble. Yunhee thinks of Luhan as a great friend.

{How did you meet each other?} Havent met, but meets at registration ^^

{Back-Up Love Interest} EXO-K's Kim Junmyun (Suho)

Suho has a very gentleman like personality. It's no wonder why he's nicknamed the "Guardian." He's a kind and sweet person with a heart of gold. Being a gentle and compassionate person, he's one to help out anyone in need. Knowing no bias, he's warm and treats everyone with care. Because of his nice and optimistic personality, people are naturally attracted him. Handsome guys and beautiful girls always surround him, being quite popular. He has the looks and money to go with his personality too.

Although he does seem like the 'full package', Suho does have a few faults himself. He can get shy at times when it comes to love, and because he's so taken in by Yunhee, he sometimes doesn't know what to do. And sometimes, he accidently makes a cute mistake, causing Yunhee to giggle at him. But even so, Yunhee think of Suho as a great friend.

{How did you meet each other?} Not yet. registration!


Before   This   Song   Ends    

{Other Information About Your Character}  uhm. she's normal. lol                              

{Scene Request(s)} cute, fluffy scenes! Like having Luhan/Suho blush because of Yunhee                                                 

{Ideas For The Story} sorry i got none. .__.                                                       

{Comments} Yaya! I finally finished my application. It took a long time for me to finish, but it's finally complete. x) i spent like around 6 or so hours on this, but i think it's totally worth it. I love the story plots btw. They all seem so cute. xD Can't wait to see some of your writing! Fighting!

Oh and btw, i have like no funny bone in my body. and i'm only good at dry humor so im sorry for having such a boring application. lol orz                                                                                              

{Anything Else} EXO- Into Your World/Angel (너의 세상으로)                                                                              


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