
Omg I just ate like nutella, chips, ice cream etc. And I'm going to China in 2 months and I have been saying that I have to diet since the start of 2013!! God at that time it was 6 kg and then i gained weight now I have to lose 8 kg! T.T I dont wanna become anorexic but I also dont wanna be fat and feel disgusted by my self in shorts, dresses and all that. You feel me? I want to eat healthy and smaller portions but I can't control myself haha its not that I am comfort eating(?) its just that I eat when I am bored and sometimes I just get all " this I wanna get fat let me?!" and then I eat this biiäg fat chinese dinner my mom makes. I should live by myself if I really wanna lose weight. That way I won't habe money to buy food and even though I had. I would buy normal food aka not snacks. Maybe I should move out.. My friend asked me if I wanted to get an apartment with him so we live closer to school.. Doesn't seem like such a bad idea now. Plus maybe i would study better since there would bw this "competition". I dont know though.. I just wanna look pretty :( why won't my body listen to me


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as for me, even though i eat a lot, i look like a stick but my stomach is so biiiig. i look like pregnant little woman -.-

and ive been trying myself to do exercises.. but oh well, im lazy. xD

maybe if you should move, by that, youre killing two birds with one stone ;DD