Love Style

Be forewarned. This is going to be personal. This is going to be (probably) stupid as hell, but I wanted to write this, kind of as a way to clear it for myself. Also, this will probably be sappy.

Again, you've been warned.





In a previous blog, the one from yesterday, I mentioned that I wanted a love like what Boyfriend sings about. I want to elaborate on that.

To my friends afk, everything I'm about to write will be a lie, because they don't see this part. They don't know this, and I think that's another reason why I want to write this.

Recently I've been wishing for a love that is sweet. That is romantic. Where the other person thinks of me, wants to spend time with me. Will listen to me, and talk to me. I want a love that makes me want to be better, and I want an encouraging love. Too many times I see wonderful people brought down by their lover, and it isn't right. When you're with someone, they need to lift you up, they need to back you up on everything you say, or do (provided it isn't stupid, like robbing a bank or something.) You should be able to always depend on them.

Even i that person originally wasn't a dependable person, their love for you, and your love for them should make them want to be dependable for you, if only you.

I want someone who can tell my moods easily, and know how to sway those moods (considering my most prominent moods are bad moods). I want to be able to rant and yell and cuss at someone over something that they can't control, but they're there, being just as angry and upset as I am, but they're also there to help take away some of my anger, to help me move on from that.

I want someone dark. I like the dark, I thrive in the dark, but I'm also afraid of the dark (My paranoia is an amazing thing, honestly), so I want that dark person to be able to comfort me when I'm afraid, and then go watch a horror movie with me, and not question my insanity for it.

I want someone to love me. I want someone to love. I want to know that I'm the most important thing in someone's life. I want to be cared for.

I think I'm going to stop here, because I feel so clique now. And overemotional. So.. yeah. I'll finish this later.


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AptonKey #1
I'm here <3