Gentleman Review

As most of you should know, (If you don't, what rock are you under?) the music video for Psy's new song "Gentleman" was released earlier today. So far... I freaking love it. Now for the detailed version.
The comedic style Psy has in his MVs really shines in Gentleman. I love how it's so contradicting to the title of the song. It's titled "Gentleman" but he acts so un-gentleman-like in the MV and I love it.
The song itself sound a little like Gangnam Style, but once you listen to it a few times you know it's not the same song theoretically. I love the whole song and I love how it repeatedly builds up. (If that makes sense to you.)
As for the stars in the MV... I think they fit in perfectly. Yoo Jae Suk in the elevator and Psy pressing all the buttons... COMEDY GOLD!!! I laughed so hard. I think the cast of Infinity Challenge fit in perfectly with their parts and I couldn't stop laughing.
Ga-In fit in really well in the MV... better than I thought actually. Especially since she's primarilly known for the "hip sway" dance in Abracadabra... which is basically what the dance is in Gentleman. I have no problem with that but most Kpop fans will get the reference.
The obvious question is "Is this better than Gangnam Style?" My personal answer is yes, it is better than Gangnam Style. Gentleman just stuck in my head a hell-of-a-lot quicker than Gangnam Style did. As for the public opinion... that I don't know. It was only released today.
P.S. I think Ga-In pulls off y way better than Hyuna. (Weird comparison, but Hyuna was in Gangnam Style.) And if Hyuna was in the Gentleman MV doing what Ga-In did, I would've flipped. But that's not how it went.
If you would like to see more reviews or request something... or like to read my ramblings, let me know in the comments or PM me or something. I have time on my hands to come up with something!
Currently listening to: Gentleman - Psy (What else? I love this song!!)


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I liked it too , abracadabra's dance fits the song but i wished that he will have his own dance like always he has his own dances and styles , but now i feel that he put so much efforts to surpass gangnam style and be more popular , to be honest i miss when psy anly cared about making the music he likes , but i really really like the song