Ijust got really excited about this video!

Check it out! It's the Holiday video that the dance company I'm in and some of the professors helped create about a month ago!!
(the girl doing the windmill /leg kicks over theother girls back is me! ^^)




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believe me, at first it was fun, but after being in pretty much every shot and doing our dancing part outside, with the little windmill thing over the girl (which was me ^^) it was so hot outside the first day of filming then the second it was freezing. It was kind of annoying after a while from all the smiling too. Oh and my school life isn't like that at all either. It's only like that in the dance studios.
That looked so fun. My school and school life was nothing like that. In fact quite th opposite. If you've ever saw Crows zero or Kidulthood, you'll know what i mean rofl