Honesty about Fundamentalists


Note: If you're really religious and you're hateful, refrain from reading this post/essay. Thank you. 
      I'm tired. I'm tired of hearing about fundamentalists slaughtering of people who don't believe a certain religion...Shame—on all of you (fundamentalists). I don't have to believe in a man made religion if I don't want to. I am sick of people telling me, "you are going to hell for straying away from (this religion)" it's my choice, not yours. God will not love me less just because I don't choose to pray 5 times per day or go to church. That isn't necessary. Repentance is crucial. Also I heard about family members killing a child that is a non-believer, basically Fundamentalists lost their minds since the Barbaric Ages. 
      I'm only letting it out. If you're going to say I'm going to Hell, say it to my face. I don't care. I know that God loves me, loves everyone equally. Not like what you think, that he hates gays/sinners/etc. That is false. I really hate the fact many people twisted religion around and take their religious beliefs too far. Who said atheists can't have good morals and free thinking? They're free thinking but their beliefs don't automatically label them as evil, corrupted people. Shame on you for ever thinking such. 
     Also, religion is man made. God didn't write anything. I'm not forcing Christians to think differently, but God never came to Earth yet! He has no son, no family, no wife! No gender! He's a spirit, for His sake! Somehow we use He as His pronoun, though. Plus, he gives everyone the equal choice to believe whether he exists or not. You're not going to Hell if you don't believe in a deity! He's pursuing us, ready for us to discover him. I had a dream about God. No, it wasn't like big clouds, angels, blinding light and hymns. No I didn't see a man behind the clouds. He came down to help me, I was disabled or ill in this dream and he came down as a Spirit to help me when I had no other help. That is the true God. Loving, caring and compassionate—not hateful and only accepting of those that believe in Him. 
      Again, I propose that people are going shun me for not practicing Islam or such. I'm deistic, I believe there's a God but not that hateful, condemning God that's biased and a monster like many perceive him as. He's loving, compassionate, he may dislike many things we do but that doesn't mean in entirety, we are going to Hell. People claim he sees us as sinners and that we're only on this Earth to be his slaves...That is such a ridiculous assumption. If we are born as sinners, then why in the first place we're born if he would hate us from the moment we've been procreated then born into the world? People perceive this as we're all evil sinners that are going to destroy the world. Well guess who's destroying the world already? Not atheists, but religious fundamentalists, terrorists and extremists. Plus, I doubt that God would love the idea of slavery. That's blasphemy. God wouldn't treat us like dogs. 
    I don't believe every single person that believes in a religion are bad, evil, fascist or fundamentalist extremist. This is like saying, how there's always going to be good people and bad people, like there's always going to be a diamond in the rough where things are going bad. I love everyone, then there's people I dislike. I can't love every single person. Neither can I hate. Sometimes I say words I don't necessarily mean. We all do, unless you're a realist and you provide essential reasons to almost anything. 
   I might change again—I'm probably going to be forced to believe in a prophet that married an underage pre-pubescent girl ( I don't care whether it was supposedly alright since Allah 'allowed' it! It's still wrong! The marriage should be with both consenting adults who love each other!) and a God that probably is sending me to Hell (for being panual.) Well great. If I was a realist, I'd say that our deaths are probably the end. No life after. Finish. Zilch. Ditto. But we've seen proof for ghosts, and my dream has seriously left a permanent mark on me. I may have questioned God, but that's normal for me. I never hated God. I always love him, he's given me miracles and I'm absolutely grateful. I'm just tired, of having to be forced to believe in something and if I don't, I'm damned to Hell. Well my damn, what a beautiful bunch of people you are. At least if I was to talk with someone without being judged (at long as I don't mention God or religion) it would be with an atheist. 
   I'm sorry if any of you felt hurt, offended or having these gaping expressions across your faces thinking 'What's wrong with her? She's panual? She's going to Hell. She's not a practicing Muslim? She's straying away from her religion, she's going to Hell, Allah hates her. What? So she's saying sins are okay and that we're all entering Heaven? Blasphemy! Satan is telling her evil! Shame!' Stop. Really, stop. My heart is growing more open-minded, is that such a sin? I don't believe everything is a sin nor is everything IS okay. Is love a sin? What if I'm chaste? And what if I have a healthy relationship with God and not religion? There's obviously more than one religion that claims to be the "true" religion but no, they're all equal. Equilibrium is key to peace. Well, many extremist people can't grasp that reality. However, you can't say I immediately diminish every single thing written in the Koran. I believe there may be some scientific truth, but you have to know that the Arabs had great knowledge of science, mathematics and et cetera since ages ago. Just saying. 
   In conclusion, you all say Muslim women have rights...well it seems that many so called Muslim countries aren't following the Koran properly if women are equal to men. This is where the culture and nations' fault comes to play. So here, I don't only blame religion. I blame many of the delusional people and society for the downfall of the generations...
If you want to comment, be respectful. Don't try changing my opinions. I'm a deist, not an atheist so don't be harsh. 


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