Will You Please Help?



Hi guys, as a lot of you know, I don't like self advertisement, and I don't like shoving things in people's faces. But I have a favor to ask of you guys. 


Would you mind mentioning my 'Sins Of The Ancestors' story to different people, that like EXO (m/k), Chanyeol, Tao, , things like that? Or someone looking for a story to read?

I really like this one and I want to have people read it. 

But please don't shove it into people's faces, I'd like most to stumble upon it. 


Thank you if you try!



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Arraso~ ^_^ Ill..um whats the word?... oh yes Promote~ ^_^ i got a lot of people and i have a group for EXO also~ Im sure someone would like to read it~ Most of my friends like this kind of fan fic~ Mallix Fighting~ ^o^/*
Uhh... I don't know anyone lol