I don't feel so well.

I don't feel so well today. I just feel like I want to cry. I couldn't pay attention in class and got yelled at cause I did 


something that I wasn't suppose to do. It wasn't anything bad, all I did was put stars next to the correct answers and 


check marks next to the wrong ones and I got yelled out. Cause my art teacher didn't want the stars. Plus, I also 



in the correct answers, but she didn't want me to do that. So I got embarrassed in front of the whole class cause of



I did. No wonder why people don't like this teacher, I thought she was nice and, I guess I was wrong. Plus, I didn't

do homework for Language Arts, nor Math. I was tired of all this stress cause of my family problems, and school 

keeps  getting in the way. I don't really know what to do now. I might move apartments and get distant from my



is just getting in my way all the time and it's starting to stack up like a brick wall. So, I'm not very sure if I should 


a hiatus from AsianFanfics. I'm so sorry if you guys can read this really well cause of the font. I just wanted to try


something new. Geez. So I'm listening to happy K-pop songs to make me happy. Sadly, it isn't working. 


I don't feel needed in this world. 


I'm tired of getting bullied...


I'm sick of people who don't like me..


I feel upset to see that my very own friends betray me.


I just don't know what to do.


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It's okay, I cried with my friend today too, I am left out - pretty much like you. But, stay strong and you'll move on.
I'm sorry to hear such news. We sound the same, considering we get bullied and also cried the same day...
So, you're not the only one. I know how this process feels.
im always here, talk to me, i'll listen to anything
i kinda went thru that, everyone thought that our math teacher was the shizzles, but i hated him, he was horrible, then i stopped doing my hw & stuff happened
Remember Fubby's here gull. Imma get on oovoo soon
You're getting bullied? That's horrible! ><;
There will always be teachers who will pick on students who are only doing good! Believe me, I've been picked on numerous times by teachers when I don't intend doing anything wrong either. If family and friends aren't going well, don't let it bring you down! You need to make yourself happy again. Listen to kpop, write stories, rant all your feelings out, scream into a pillow, cry when you need to, but don't give up.
Friends are there to teach us and help us learn things. If your friends betray you, find other friends. They're not friends if they betray you.
Talk it out with people if you're not happy. It's the only way you'll feel satisfied. I hope everything goes well for you! Cheer up, happiness will come again, it just takes time. :) ♥