Bulimic e n e paking side affects

So ive started being bulimic and having an anorexia for the past few days (sobs its hell)

I stopped eating in school , like ill eat rarely now because i cant throw up in school lol

so now , my ribcage hurts , i cant sleep , my throat is dry , my kidney hurts 

everything that has to do with food is either sore or hurts 

no matter how much i drink , the dryness in my throat wont go and ill keep on having trouble breathing


But the most interesting thing is , who would've thought that throwing up all what you ate can be this addicting ?

like , we all hate throwing up and all.

._. well yeah im dying of hunger rn .

and my whole digestive system is being a


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I don't know you and hopefully you've already stopped but I hope you switch back to a healthier lifestyle. Food is good for you, it just depends on how much you eat, what you eat, your metabolism and exercise. I hope you are happier and healthier now. Good luck in life!
/hugs you/ Dang that digestive system. Dang that addictive action of throwing up. They really do , since they just rob your body of the vital nutrients to keep your body functioning properly! I think it'll be good to start eating just a little bit more than what you normally eat, then increase the portion really slowly until you're back to the portions you eat last time. Fighting! I know you can do it. ;u; <3 <3
You need to eat.
You won't be able to think properly after awhile because of the lack of energy.
You need to eat honey
Being bulimic and anorexic is really bad. Trust me, most women and men who are bulimic or anorexic end up having complications with their health..
Especially if they want to start a family when they are older or if theyre legal they cant because it stresses the body and coukd kill the mother and child
You need the nutrients to help you grow.
I know you cant help it at the moment but you need to try.