loving you.


So, because my profile page doesn't kinda allow these kind of things, I thought of making a whole blog post about the ones I treasure here, the ones that make me smile in front of my laptop, simply my friends on AFF. This blog post will be continuously updated. The used quotes are all - except Rosechan's - from Infinite.

Beginning from our neighbor countries over casual talk over erted gif war, our dirty little secret and now the roleplay - what else do I have to say. I hate you, you are miserable...

...dirty lies, all of them.
I love you, you are my Sungyeol - scratch that, we're real, baby. KaLy 4 lyfe. People should ship us, and this is our flag.

I really think that you are a great friend. You are always listening to me, and I like our conversations - how we can talk about the perks and beauties of life. And if your Myungzy stories are invitations, then I accepted it, because I am proud to be a part of the ship of stars. If each and every single shipper out there is a star of the ship, then you are like the brightest shining North Star, guiding others the way and inviting them to sail our ship too. Thank you for being there, Summer. I really thank you for everything.

Yes, I know you stan Jaejoong more. But hey, this pic was so sweet, I had to take it.

You showed me the vastness and beauty of the pairing of the younger two of Infinite. You showed me the vastness and iness of our maknae. You showed me how tangy you are. I swear you are a reallife lemon drop. You are awesome, yet you love to tease us (me and Delib). ALL ON PURPOSE!
Anyway, I love you, girl. Stay the same.
P.S: I do ship RoseJong, and one day, I will write a mega-super-awesome oneshot about you guys. HA!

P.P.S: I don't approve your Sungyeol hate. He is nice okay.

I admit, we didn't have a good start. And I still am sorry for that one, Delib-eonni, really. But I really like the symbolism conversations we have, and even if we ship two pairings that even started a fanwar, it's still the similarities that count, isn't it? And the fact that you are an Inspirit, PLUS that you are also as Sungelic as I am levels it out, anyways. I love you, thanks for being there.

My two tumblr chingus! /high-fives you
You two brighten up my tumblr times, and your edits are really nicely made, especially yours, Amy-ah! And it's also nice that you two stan Myungsoo-yah so much, even if I am no eLement anymore (thank Sungjong for that one, really). Anyways, I love you guys~!



 Jeeen. You say that your writing is close to a mess, yet you write so awesome. You say that you can't edit, yet your posters never fail to amaze me. Our comments about random stuff, Photoshop, and Myungsoo / L are always funny and great, and you're a great friend. Saranghae~!


MY BEAUTIFUL KRYSTAL SHIPPER! What would I be without you? Just another lame Soojung-stanner. YOU ARE AWESOME OKAY.


Shall I even say more, huh? You are so, so nice, one of the better ones in FF.de, and you are also a great unnie. I really love talking to you, and always stay the same, okay?

You wanna know why? Because you're awesome.

Love you, your dongsaeng-ah.



Zade-ssi, say what you want, but you are a great senpai. When I read your stories, it's like feeling paradise, even for a tiny bit. You show me the reason why AFF isn't a lost case, and that there is still hope. I like our conversations about mangas, Fairy Tail and any other kind of things, and I can just say: stay the same, because you're great. P.S: I will NEVER EVER stop stalking you on tumblr x'D


Tia-unnie! /high-fives you Unnie, you are really a great unnie. You are friendly, lively, simply the type of someone everybody wants to have as a friend. You are a trendsetter - just look at all these "deconstructing" posts! - and you are an awesome writer. I just miss our convos, hehe. But anyways, I really like you~!


Jewell, you are famous. You are an awesome writer and senpai. But that's not the reason why I like you so much. I like you so much because you are an otaku, because you are an earth-fire-bender, because you ship minor ships (as long as they have chemistry, of course), because you are you. No matter what anyone says, you are great. Scratch that - you are AWESOME. You are an awesome friend and senpai.


Eris-ssi, you are also extremely good at writing. Your fantasy stories as well as your romance stories are awesomely written and you're also an engineer as well as an Inspirit. So tell me, why can't I like you? Eris-ssi jjang! Fighting~!


Karen~! You are sweet and lively, and I really like our convos. You are a really nice otaku and friend, and ... gah, forget it. You're simply sweet! That's why I like you so much.


My graphics chingu! /high-fives you
Ah, Tina-yah, you are really talented in GIMP and your posters are great. Thanks a lot again for this! But you're also a sweet and nice friend, hihi ^^


Ahh, my Sungyeol spazzing partner. You are awesome, your wrting is awesome, and you're my cute little dongsaeng that stans Sungyeol a lot. Heh. STAY THE SAME 'CAUSE UNNIE LOVES YOU OKAY`.


I don't know all of you guys, but you really are the best. I mean, it's you who read my decent stories - hell, some of you even upvote them - and everytime I see the "new subscribers!"-alert, I always think: Why do you even read them? But I am honestly flattered, and honestly thankful. I am here for three months and I have so much subscribers. Thanks a lot. I love each and every single one of you. And who knows - one day, one of you will also be here on this page.


other shoutouts

Other guys I really like, but am not so close with. But anyways, thanks for being there!

heartmindandseoul | HyperPola | iluvtofu | leficklerabbit | peachheart | guks | Taey | devilgirlmaria | Jessica | ButterflyShida | blissful | Myungzyguardian | mischyelle | cierra | yongseokyu


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milleniums #1


Welcome back~
Heh, I think I'm there? I hope, I hope. :)

Let's become closer, hopefully in time.
Rosechan #3
Loving you, is easy cause you're beautiful~

Making (myungjong) love for you, is all I wanna do~

Someday I'll see sungyeols soul come shining through~

In everything that I do, ooooh hoo hoo~
ButterflyShida #5
he he.. love you too.. maybe we can get close after october... sorry because i'm too busy this year.
You're a blessing to me, and I do thank God every time I remember you.
leficklerabbit #7
I see my name!! Aww~ it'll be nice to know you more too!! :)) I love you~ :)
Like gaaah I have no words OMFG I love you so ____ing much my Myungie <3
I'm using that pic as my profile pic, just for you to know XD