School's K-pop Club Asked For Us!!!!

I never thought they would demand for our existence in that club. AAAHhhhh. It surprised me and my friends how the school's K-pop Club (a sub club of an even bigger club/ group in school. The group performs at every event in school and has a higher chance to be at even bigger events.) demanded that we should join in. After last year's break, when we formed a k-popper group, we settled down for a while (which was just due to laziness to practice). People can't help to ask us about our next performance and we keep answering, "Just wait, it won't be long." Seing this, the club asked us to join in since they can promote us better in school. But promoting is not our problem but the laziness to practice so...we're still thinking about it. Besides, when the time comes that we perform, the credits wouldn't be ours but probably would go straight to the clubs name that's why we're hesitating to join. But yeah, they're right, they could actually help with the group's promotions at school and even outside the school.

Normal students would go through auditions in the club but they offered us an open club membership. 


Aish, i just don't know what answer shall i give them!


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Lovely_B2uties #1
Waaaaaaaaaah Cool you have a Kpop Club ^_______^

I Wish my school did -_-
Yeah... it's just a newly born sub-club at school made by the Seniors. It's so surprising to have one even for me.
chasylclick #3
YOU HAVE A KPOP CLUB??????!!!!!!!!!