


Horrible day.


Work was nothing worth talking about until you've got a bomb.


Had Chinese. Want a slushee.


Had to repost my story to the site. And I'm on chapter 11 for the Sins of The Ancester's story unedited xD Lol I'm on a roll man...


Editor has been busy so the rest of the stories are a bit behind. 


I like changing my profile picture WAY too much.

It's raining. Supposed to flood a bit. Whoop.


If you can't tell I'm an inch close from throttling someone.

Have a nice day. 



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Boy you ARE on a roll. I like that you change your picture and I'm also sick of rain.
.....D: Let's throttle others together!
Don't drown, and please don't throttle me xD
I had an unloved day xD