Camp:Aradarie Kim Misoo

camp:aradarie -memories that stay 








Kim Misoo






Pandasgorawr  ★ 4  ★ Kiana

Can't I do  it instead?

「'cause we are humanoids」

character's full name:  Kim Misoo

nickname(s): none

ethnicity:  Half-Korean, Half-Canadian

nationality:  Korea

birthplace: Busan

hometown: Toronto

d.ob:  12 July 1997

age: 15 

spoken languages: English - lives in Canada, Korean - mom made her learn it


「beautiful stranger」

ulzzang's name:  Park Seulki

links:  1 2 3 4 5 6 7

back-up ulzzang: Lee Geumhee

links: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 

height & weight: 153 cm, 45 kg


style: same like ulzzang


  • long sleeved t-shirts: 1 2 3
  • short-sleeved t-shirts:  1 2 3 4
  • shorts: 1 2 3
  • long pants: 1 2 3
  • semi-formal outfits: 1 2
  • hat/cap: 1
  • sunglasses: 1
  • swimwear: 1 2
  • sleeping bag: 1

「are you ready or not」

personality: She is extremely childish. If she get's upset enough, she'll throw a tantrum. If she doesn't like someone, she'll mock them and be sarcastic. However, if she  likes you she'll be much nicer and try not to upset you. Despite, her childish nature, when she needs to she'll act mature, but this is only infront of her boyfriend. She likes being treated like a baby, but only to a certain point. She hates having her cheeks pinched and people fussing over her. Misoo, hates mornings, she completely hates getting up. You could blow an airhorn in her ear and she'll still go back to sleep. She likes to travel.Her favorite place so far is New York. But only, because she meets more people everytime she goes.

likes: Ribs

           • Sleeping

           • Being the center of attetion

           • Computers

           • Swimming

           • Animals

dislikes: • Fish

                • Waking up

                • Mornings

                • Being ignored

                • Being cold

                • Lolipops

habits: • Biting nails

• Losing focus

• Daydreaming

hobbies: • Baking

• Running

• Shopping

trivia: Has a dog

• The dog's name is Mickie, and is a girl

• She's a completely different person at school

• She's a natural baker

• Learned how to swim when she was 13

• Pretends to be an only child

medical conditions: none

dietary requirements: no seafood

allergies: none

fears: the dark, all bugs (except butterflies, ladybugs, and caterpillars)

sleeping habits: hitting people


which camp do you prefer to be based at? Camp 2


「dear my family」

background: Misoo has had a pretty happy life. She has gotten almost everything she's ever wanted. Her family owns 2 homes, one in Canada, the other in S.Korea.

family members: 

  • father: Kim Changjon | 39 | CEO of Sunshine Inc | Layed back. Funny. Smart. | Friend-like relationship
  • mother: Kim Liza | 37 | Receptionist of Sunchine Inc | Slightly Strict. Caring. Sassy | A close relationship
  • sibling(s): Kim Minhyung | 17 | part-time worker at the mall | Clingy. Over-protective Funny | Love-Hate relationship | At camp 1
  • others:  none

friends:  Mathew | 14 | none| when he likes something he becomes obbsessed | a bit like siblings | didn't come to camp

Sasha | 16 | none | cruel (only if she doesnt like you) extremely sassy | distant | Camp 1

best friends: Lily | 15 | none | Almost the exact opposite of Miso | Sister-like realtionship | didn't come to camp

Jasmine | 15 | none | hits people alot. Sadistic | Also like sisters | didn't come to camp

rival: none


「no other」

love interest: Jung Ilhoon|Korean| Seoul | BTOB

age: 17

personality: Ilhoon is pretty much a carefree guy. He came to camp on a dare. Dispite, the fact that he doesn't really like the outdoors. He is really popular, especially among girls. Yet, he doesn't seem to notice at all. He's never had a girlfriend. Yet, he flirts lightly with girls.

how you met: at camp

camp: same

how you interact: Ilhoon is Misoo's crush. Even though she has a boyfriend. She has only spoken to him 3 times and she remebers every word of each interaction. She becomes incredibly self-concious when around him. She also becomes clumsy.


back-up love interest: Jay Park | Korean | Washington(state)| Solo (former 2pm)

age: 16

personality: Jay is a playboy. He endlessly flirts with girls. If he's not flirting, he's making out with one of them. However, he is very kind and caring. He won't let a girl cry. He makes sure they understand that it isn't a serious relationship. He's a playboy because of a a past realationship that broke his heart.

how you met: before camp when she visited washington on her many trips

camp: same

how you interact: Misoo and Jay are good friends. Misoo scolds him almost constanly about being a playboy, and Jay scolds her about acting cute. They argue almost constantly. But, when they don't argue, they get along really well.


love rival: none

do you want to end up with your love interest? yes


「please don't go」

scene requests: Misoo gets lost in the woods, and Ilhoon/Jay comes to find her on a rainy day

anything else about your character which you want us to know: not really

comments/suggestions: If you can could you make Jay park my boyfriend in which he's still is a playboy but they are in a relationship 

that isn't a fling

others: ...


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