Reason for my Hiatus.


Well, I felt guilty for disappearing for so long and so I'm here to tell y'all the reason I was away.

After my GCE 'A' Levels I decided to take a break and went on vacation with my boyfriend to my momma's hometown -drumroll.....-  KOREAAAAAA. We didn't go alone, in fact we asked along another couple from our school to join us, Sierra and Blake, so we could have comfortable rooming -cough- boys one room- cough- girls another room. We actually planned for this early in the year so we could save for the trip. And it was a trip well saved for alright.  Sierra's a pro photographer in the making so she requested if we could have mini-photoshoots there, which we were more than happy with. ~camwhoring camwhoring~

So, as a treat for being such nice friends, I shall show you the first 5 days of the trip ! (because after that we were too lazy to take anymore photos) ONLY FROM SIERRA'S CAMERA. mine are my -whisper- personal collection -whisper- It was summer and the PERFECT weather to have fun. We put up at my granddad's house. THANK YOU SO MUCH HARABEOJI <3 LOVE YOU LOADS.

We could only take photos from the second day onwards because dumbdumb Sierra forgot to charge it before leaving for Korea, so no airport fashion (ego-ego heheh)

Here come the photos:


DAY TWO: we visited a english bookshop and started fighting. THE END. HAHAH just joking! We had a bet that whoever said "I surrender" had to buy the person a book. And of course, I WON -runs around in circles-

DAY 3: We visited the Sokcho beach in Gangwon-do. It was a long ride there but it was worth it! We stayed there for a day before returning to Seoul <3


DAY 4: WE BOUGHT COUPLE BAGS. They were so adorable!! I bought them on a shopping trip with Sierra at Kangnam's COEX mall/


DAY 5: ICE CREAM! If you noticed Judah's hair becomes shorter. That's because I dragged the lazy beast to the hairdresser.

Yeap that's it! DISCLAIMER: THE NEXT PHOTO I'M ABOUT TO SHOW YOU WAS A DARE. Sierra dared me to put this photo on my blog after the photoshoot. Oh god I'm gonna be super embarrassed after this. But I'm a woMAN of my word. I shall do it.









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