How To Hyperlink.

For those who don't know, here's how to hyperlink.

Hyperlinking is when you make a word a link, if that makes sense. If a word is blue, click it and it will take you to a link. It's quite clever actually.

Here's how.

Write the word you want to link. For example, if I wanted to link the word Sun so it took me to my profile, I would write; 



and then, you highlight the word. Left click and drag over the word.

Then; see that little world picture up on the toolbar? No? Look at the Size drop down, go across two; and there it is! 

You press that, and it will bring up a box. Where it says link url or whatever, enter your url there.

Then, press enter. 

The word should be highlighted like this;



click the word, and it will take you to my profile! Clever, eh? 


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Vonnie #1
SO MUCH HELP!!! I think i love you haha :} THANKS!
I actually wanted to do that so thank you! I might refer someone to your post if I see someone in need too. :)