Announcement to my Readers


Hello! Oh .. It's been a long time since I wrote my last Blog, isn't it? ^^

Anyway, I'm writing this to say some GOOD NEWS and BAD NEWS to my readers.


First of GOOD NEWS. (well, I don't know if you'll consider this as GOOD NEWS)


I was telling on my chapters that I'm going to rest for a while in writing my stories, right? BUT it's definitely a scratch PLAN now. Wanna know why? Because .. I got my schedule for my classes a while ago and it's stated there that my classes were moved TOMORROW so, I got no choice but to attend it and I was like : "Oh crap! I still didn't finish my two stories." How I'm going to handle this?


Simple : I'll never have that REST thing now. Why? Because .. I wasn't able to reach my time limit and forced to continue it despite of my busy schedule, starting tomorrow. Ohyeaaaaah \m/ and besides, I DON'T WANNA RUSH THE ENDINGS OF BOTH OF MY STORIES (lAST MINUTE and CALL OF DUTY) SINCE I'M REALLY LOVING THE IDEAS THAT WERE SINKING INSIDE MY MIND, LATELY!


Oh~ I don't want to leave my READERS with unsatisfying ending just because I'm rushing things out.



THE BAD NEWS is .. (I don't know if you'll consider this as BAD NEWS)


I'm not going to update my stories regularly just like what I'm doing this past few days. TT__TT You know the reason, right? Because of my class schedule. But don't worry, as long as I have enough time to update it, I'LL DEFINITELY POST AND I'LL REALLY TRY EVERYTHING TO MAKE IT GOOD, as possible!







SO .. That were my reasons why I wrote this. Waste of time reading it, right? DON'T HATE ME T_T


Thank you my readers, subscribers, friends and whatevers for supporting me. HAHAHAHA :D you're also the reason that's why I don't wanna leave. nyaaaaaaaaaaaark.





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grid1199 #1
Oww I'm just starting to like your story, but it's okay anyways. I'm just gonna read your other stories!!! Goodluck author-nim!!
che21lo15 #2
I understand, I'll still keep on reading to your previous story I love it and I'll will patiently waiting for your comeback and soon to your new chaera love story.
kzhee123 #3
hmm..I'm so late reading this..hahaha
anjean03 #4
.oh !! Good luck to your study. ..and Whatever the reason I will support ur story ..
Good luck with anything u do! Hehe
Oh... don't worry ^__^, I'll be waiting for you untill you come back =D

Very lucky with your classes and don't be stressed too much if you have some exams ehe :P... fighting and take your time when you're free =D, ppyeeonngg!!! ^__^ *thumbs up*
dscoveringmichael #7
I'll wait all the time in the world just to read your stories, take your time and don't worry, I wish luck from Chile and take care author! ^^ Fighting~
Deechae #8
I will of course wait for you.
and take your time.
You can write it better if your mind is free and in a good state.
take care author nim
Thats fine with willing to wait you going to school already but its still summer...try to enjoy summer aswell author-nim...i'll wait for the updates
YAHH.. I kind of like the bad news more than the good news, hahah. It's okay if you update late, I was kind of hoping for that, lol. It gives me time to study for school and read your recent updates and comment on them. Besides attending your classes, I still think you should take that "REST" take it easy, yeah? But anyways, thanks for the announcement, I was wondering why my phone kept buzzin'
Have fun attending class though, don't stress yourself out too much. Peace!
Happy_Panda #11
Don't worry authornim. I'll support you no matter what, and I will patienly wait for your updates. It's a good thing that you don't want to rush thing outs about the ending of your 2 beautiful stories. It's fair enough because you have to focus with your studies. Good luck authornim. Keep up the good work. Keke. ^^ Take care of your self. ^^
It's worth reading it. I'll support you till the end! Fighthing! ^^
Dongsaengie! It's okay! School first. We'll just patiently wait for your updates, neh?