i apologize...

i know... i know...

where have i been? not updating my fics...

i am sorry you guys...

well not that i am busy with work...

i just can't write at home, because our bedrooms are being renovated...

and i have all my files here in my desktop... it was unplugged for a few days...

and 3 days ago, we just put the room back into it's original setting...

i found out that i lost some computer cables, even my power cord...

because i was always tired with work and trying to find time to talk to my fiance who's over-seas...

it took me this long to find time to go out and buy stuff...


so i sat here in front of my desktop thinking i'd be doing updates on both my fics...

and post the first chapter for my new fic, and post a two-shot ...

not much really.. and then what happens? I GET MY PERIOD!!!

i know most of us here are girls... and this time of the month...


i am a very strong woman (yes, i call myself a woman, for psychological reasons XD)

i mean, i do sports... i dance.... i'm a choreographer (which i say over and over again. in case someone doesn't know)

i do gymnastics, i train in basic boxing and capoeira...

but when i am on red-alert consider me weaker than a 90-year old grandma...

i can't even think straight...

of course today i feel extra ugly, and fat...

at days like this, i eat whatever i want to make me feel just a tad bit better...

my fiance said 2 hours ago that i am scaring him...

i am super moody and i think i can just kill a person who gets in my way...

i get mad at everyone... i mean every. one.

even he got a piece of me today because he said that my cheek are flushed.

he said he's afraid of the reactions and my mood swings when the time comes that i get pregnant...

i'm scared to, i know i'll be worse...


so right now, i'm spending some time to nag and curse the world for my current condition....

i usually stay in bed for the first 2-3 days so maybe if i really get in the mood...

and if i'm not in my bed crying because of pain, that even pain killers can solve...

then i will be updating and posting what ever i said i am posting....

really.... like seriously... i dont feel like resting but i feel tired and drained....

and it's only been what? 4 hours since i got it???

damn it. im here to say sorry not nag.... LOL

sorry you guys.. really... i'll try to make my updates better and i will tend to questions and replies later on...

or maybe in the morning... when i wake up...

if i wake up...



so i just found out right now that i have 451 unique subscribers...

if i hit 500 subscribers


which is going to be followed by a chaptered fic as a continuation



i already updated My Senior Year and With Love Bites and... Amnesia?!

i'll do updates again soon... like within 24 hours, or less...

that's a promise...

since i'm on leave for work because of my stupid condition...

i'll be productive and update my fics here...




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Awwww, dont worry
Do what you need as long you are comfortable, period can be horrible,dont stress yourself :D.

Btw OMG YOU PRACTICE CAPOEIRA!!! I used to but i left because of my grades, i loved it and still do, a week ago i was actually thinking in starting again!
Omg im happy!!
Wow your period like most of my friend being sick and moody swings, luky I'm not like that when I have period ^^
Maybe you should warm bath cause it help most of my friends, just saying
wanlingELF #3
i'm having it now and i just can't really think and do things properly like how i always do, jumping around and being hyper...
franyragon #4
You are alive!! I was so worried :c and yeah take your time recovering, we want you to be happy and healthy so eat your favourite food and rest! I'll send you good energy :D
have you tried maybe the pill? apparently it stops your period from being as severe when you get it? you've seen a doctor about it ne? /worried/
Dreamer_Jk #6
I understand you, period is a bìtch! >.< Get well soon!
Just think that I have seizures every month because of that and my doc can't do nothing to help me (so I waste a week every month in bed, under the strongest painkiller I can buy at the drugstore without having to go to the hospital to get morphine) T^T
Anyway, it's normal to be busy and stuff so don't worry if you didn't update in a while.. ^^
I shall wait for you patiently! Feel better author-nim! =^o^= I really hope you reach 500 unique subcribers soon. :3 I really wanna read your two-shot & the chaptered fic continuation. XD
tiyan_mute #8
it's ok. just take good care of ur condition for now
kyuririn #9
Its okay dear, i understand. Just take your time ne
nigerna #10
hang in there girl,it's alright to have mood swing when it period time,that's normal...take care yourself mostly your heart,its so sensitive,mostly you will crying...take care everything right...
even though i am only 15 but i jave been through the same with period i mean i had bio chemic exam and it started 5 hours befor the exam and imagen how it was specially the pain in the first day *but i got 96in the exam :-P*