

Username: GinniePark
Name: Jung Yurhe [정율희]
Nickname/s: Bright Light, Starsome, Melody, Cute, Stubborn, Ulzzang, Angel, Gangsta Girl, Hummingbird
Age: 16
Birthdate(m/d/y): 11/8/1994
Ethnicity(Preferred to be Asian): Korean :)
Hometown: La Crescenta, California~ [for those who don't know, it's a quiet city about 1/2 hour away from Los Angeles :)]
Height & Weight(cm & kg): 160 cm and 48 kg
Appearance(3-5 links):




Personality(5-10 sentences, make it unique):

Okie, so 16-year old Jung Yurhe may seem very cute and innocent, but that's not exactly the case. However, barely anyone knows. She's just very carefree, quiet and polite to those she doesn't know [or to those she likes ;)], full of aegyo to her Starsomes [what she calls her friends; her friends call themselves F.O.S. - Friends of Starsome], and loves to be cute and look cute. She acts cute because she thinks that's how people will like her. It worked so far, at least, but in the past she used to reveal a very fiesty side that actually  got her into so much troubles  that she decided that changing her life will be the only solution. She often runs away from problems and makes other people solve it for her, but once she makes a decision she's very unwavering. Even if she herself doesn't like the decision, she stubbornly sticks with it. She talks about herself a bit too much, but that's only because she wants to make sure to receive the attention and love that she always wants. BUT! Starsome Yurhe makes SURE to be caring, loving, understanding, and a sweet hummingbird friend that chirps a melody of assurance to everyone she loves. She does for others what she never got in the past to make up for her mistakes. Even with the slightest mistake she always goes the farthest length possible to make up for it. In other word she's a fiesty, cute, loving, stubborn over-achiever, with a loving heart ^^;;
Fashion(3-5 link; can also only be description):





Overall she likes bright colors, and many colors at that, too. She doesn't like simple, but she's okay with both casual and girly as long as there are many colorful peices put together! :) Yurhe loves designs of all sorts [polka dots, checkers, flowers] and loves bags, whether designer or vintage. She just LOVES variety and color. Pink, peach, blue, orange, green, yellow, etc. with cardigans, gladiator sandals, yarn scarves, skirts, jeans, sweats, dresses, etc. Yurhe dresses from casual to pretty to elegant based on her mood:

-Lazy: Casual

-Girly: Elegant

-Lovey-Dovey: Pretty

-Happy: Cute

-Angry: Gothic [back from her troubled days, but there's still variety! :3]
Hobbies(6): Shopping, Singing to make people happier, Dancing to aegyo [which later turns into impressing people], baking sweets, writing cute stories, deep poems, or sweet songs, and playing the viola~! :D
Habits(3): Pouts whenever things don't go her way, talks about herself first, and bites her nails when getting in trouble.
Likes(5): Sweets, happiness, any kind of art to express herself with, fashion, friends
Dislikes(5): Boys [with MINOR exceptions], not getting along with people, failing to impress, fire, and death.

Family Background(describe your life):

As someone who loves wild and colorful things, Yurhe was never a calm one. So, even if she did have it all - money, huge house, huge closet, tons of popularity, and etc., she wasn't happy because she was trapped by her parents. All they did was go and have 'business trips' in NYC, which would actually be having affairs with random people and spurting out unknown siblings, and sometimes even cousins! Sometimes the victims of the affairs would even be her friends' parents, and once even her own maid's parents! (shh!) She hated them for as long as she knew, but it only got worse once people started whispering about her everywhere and her popularity got lost. Like always, she loved happiness and wanting to impress people, but it seemed impossible to be good anymore and still achieve that goal.

As a result, she went towards the bad. She used her aegyo to win over the heart of a co-ed gang group she found in a dark alleyway behind her mansion, and soon got a boyfriend who was the leader of the group. She shot people if they annoyed her and the gang, forecd them to take drugs [she was only 10, so she believed that taking drugs would make them happy], and stole lots of things since it was easy and free. Yurhe soon loved the wild and the happiness that her gang friends always had, which made her ok with never having a home anymore and even getting disowned by her parents. She never even loved them anyways; as long as the people she loved were happy with her, she was fine :) And plus, she could sing, dance, and write as much as she wanted, so freely. Sometimes she even baked for her friends if they achieved a particularly great murder.

This lasted for 3 happy years, until she finally found out that her first, long-time boyfriend was having an affair with someone in the same group as her - her special unnie, whom she was the closest to. Seeing how boys were all the same - untrustworthy, dirty, and careless - she dropped out and camped at the backyard of a random person's house, almost considering suicide. She wrote down tons of sad, depressing songs and poems and she stole lots of black, gothic clothes. Her tear-stained letters to her parents [she doesn't send them, she just writes them to vent] started piling up and up. She didn't know what to do to win people's hearts and love. Good didn't work, and bad didn't work. So, eventually she tried out cute. To get money, she was cute. To get water and food for free, she was cute. And to take dance classes and singing classes for free, she was cute. Yurhe actually loved dancing and singing, since that was her only escape every time her parents ditched her. Even on her birthday, she danced and sang alone and baked her own cake to be happy. She danced ever since 7 years old, but secretly, only in her room.

Finally, though, at 14 and a half, she got free lessons and went there until she became 16, while working at a cafe called Paris Baguette and sleeping in a personalized, pink tent called 'Yurhe's Hideout - no one enter!' She only got into auditioning and training once she was cleaning out her cafe at midnight and noticed a flyer lying on the ground about CUBE auditions. The huge words speaking of being an amazing star and being loved by everyone, only by doing her hobbies singing and dancing, seemed too good to be true. So she quickly chose a song and dance to practice 24/7 [literally. She never went anywhere without earphones and dancing shoes.], and succeeded the first time she tried out, especially because the CEO noticed her hardships and her strong, willing character :) Her rewards came at last! Plus, she also meets 2 of her many siblings made from NYC, and they get to be her idol mates! They found out when after one very tiring practice, they threw a slumber party and talked everything about themselves...including their parents' names ;)

Sadly,though, her parents find out halfway through her training life and secretly abused her, threatening her. But not because she was running away or wasting her life. They didn't care about her at all. In reality, they were afraid that once she gained publicity, she would get them in trouble for troubling her ever since she was born. Luckily, the CEO, her group mates, and her new scandal guy all protect her and gang up on her parents, finally freeing her from her terrible past. Oh, thank goodness for her aegyo and warm heart <3

Parents(name & brief description of personality):

Mom: Kang Ji-Hyang. At first she thought Yurhe was cute, but only as a baby. Once she saw how much of a trouble she really was - both to her and her husband, who would unleash his temper out to his wife - she seeked for escape and fled the house, not even filing a divorce or leaving a letter. She desperately tried to find satisfaction in any way possible - stealing, dating, one-night stands, becoming rich, drug-dealing, shopping, etc. She hated giving birth after having , however, because she would always get reminded of Yurhe. So, she did 7 abortions and took tons of pills, soon depending on only temporary happiness to merely exist. But she WON'T lost; she has too much pride. After she loses to her own daughter and her stupid friends, though, she can't take it anymore and commits suicide.

Dad: Jung Junki. Very impatient, tough, has a cold heart, and only wants his way. He doesn't care who he hurts; depending on his mood, he'll do anything to make himself feel better. That's why he basically went the same way as his wife, but only after Ji-Hyang left, when Yurhe was only 7. He hastily hired a few maids and also left, not wanting to be alone, sad, and embarrassed. But he didn't fall down in life. Even after he found out Yurhe was going to become famous, he still let on his infamous nightclub businesses...and later used those to ruin Yurhe's famous life to keep her parents' terrible lives on the down-low.

Parents; check if:
[]married [o]divorced

Siblings(Put how many and their name/s): Well, they're all mysterious and living in NYC, but two of them end up being her idol group members. It's very touching and sweet, their reunions...<3

Jung Eunji:

Ahn Jaekyoung:

Celebrity Crush(name of your partner, 1-2):

Boyfriend Youngmin: He's cute, looks so happy, and sometimes reminds her of her gang boyfriend. They can't talk a lot since they're in different companies, but every time he does talk to her, he's so bubbly and caring that she can't help but be, as she puts it: star-struck!* However, once she meets someone else [below] she becomes confused of her feelings and often bounces back and forth, unsure.

SHINee's Minho: Every time bubbly Youngmin was away, Yurhe would feel very love-deprived and eventually fell for Minho, who was very new to her. She was new to such a thing as rapping, along with a handsome guy. She always saw cute and hot, but never really charismatic and handsome like him. But later, problems sprout here and there as a love triangle occurs...

Stage Name(if none then put your character’s real name): Yurhe, but sometimes called Starsome, Byul [star], or YeonHee [people find it hard to pronoucne her name at times :P]

Talents(dancing/singing/composing etc.): Dancing, singing, song-writing, acting :)

Years as Trainee: 3

Discovery(how did you get discovered? 3 – 6 sentences): She took the chance to audition :3 As stated before, she found a flyer lying around on her cafe floor and picked it up....only to send in her application on the very same night by visiting the library and hogging the computer for a whole hour. Even after she got accepted through the apps, the judges were really interested in her, and therefore let her by easily in the 2nd phase. In the 3rd phase, however, she messed up quite a few times [and had her hands fidget since she couldn't bite her nails], and almost failed, when she suddenly burst into tears and begged them not to fail her. She started to mumble all her hardships and then sang a song truly from her heart, reminiscing on all her challenges. She still failed, but soon got in thanks to G.NA unnie who watched her video and begged to the CEO to let her in.

Position; check which one:
[]Leader – Main Vocal
[] Lead Dancer – Main rapper
[] Lead Rapper – Leader
[o] Main Dancer – Lead Vocal
[o] Main Vocal – Maknae
[] Leader – Lead Dancer
[o] Mascot(face of the group)
[] Jack of All trade

Partner’s personality:
Friends(pick from any kpop groups, 2- 4):

*f(x) Krystal

*4Minute HyunA
How did you become friends?(brief flashback):

*Krystal: Krystal was actually Yurhe's neighbor during her terrible 10-year stay in her mansion. She always heard Yurhe singing and dancing, even if sometimes she cried like crazy, and soon got very interested in becoming friends with her. So one day, while Yurhe's parents were out and Yurhe was in her backyard eating rainbow M & M cookies by herself [that she baked], Krystal sneaked in and surprised Yurhe, but soon made her happy as they sneaked into each others' houses everyday to share sweets and songs and dance together. However, only after a month, her parents banned their meeting and even hurt Krystal's middle-class parents financially and personally. Yurhe felt bad and soon crawled back into her small shell of sadness and loneliness, hating her parents even more and being more sad about love and friendships not working out for her. They meet again once Yurhe gets found out about her trainee life by her parents and they force her into the terrible mansion, where Krystal stands up for her. Ever since then, they became such good friends again that even netizens all knew about Krystal's mysterious trainee friend. She helps out Yurhe with everything - crush on Youngmin, idol friend problems, motivation, terrible flashbacks, practice, etc........until she falls for Minho. And the only soft spot for both of these girls.

*HyunA: HyunA was actually one of her gang members. She was also very close to Yurhe, along with that cheating unnie and their shared boyfriend. Whenever the unnie was 'busy' and others were sick of her aegyo, HyunA would talk with her, find out about her, and sometimes giggle with her. It's just that once she saw that Yurhe's boyfriend even broke her heart by having an affair with another unnie, she got sick of how Yurhe always had a sad ending and secretly left. She lost contact with Yurhe for a while and just decided to chase her dream as a rapper, auditioning for CUBE. It was only when she became a judge for the auditions and saw Yurhe next in line that she knew her friend was okay and fighting for what she loved - music and fulfillment of happiness. She became overjoyed and later on threw a welcome back party for Yurhe, and soon becomes her mentor and strength for all her problems - family, friends, romance, practice, and even Krystal.
Rivals(pick from any kpop groups, 1-2):

*f(x) Krystal [eventually]

*Girl's Day Yura
How did you become rivals?(brief flashback):

*Krystal: Krystal's only soft spot is love. She can be the best person in the world, but if anyone interferes with the love of her life, she becomes an instant . At first she was nice to Yurhe, gently prodding and begging her to stop liking Minho and focus back on Youngmin. But then, she began to physically hurt Yurhe. First by beating her up, then making other boys do the same. She could never look pretty in front of Minho, but won the heart of Youngmin completely.....She also told plenty of lies to Minho, making him unsure of Yurhe and who she was, but that didn't make him like Krystal either, making her attacks on Yurhe even worse. And as Krystal's fame rises higher - and also her time with Minho as 'Minstal' - will Krystal win or lose? Krystal soon becomes Yurhe's motivation to become the best there ever was, despite all the pain she gives her.

*Girl's Day Yura: Yura's a lot like her - ulzzang face, cute, popular, etc. But she's mean, even to her friends. She knows that Yurhe - this mysterious trainee that keeps popping up with photos of legend HyunA, Youngmin, and Krystal - will be an instant enemy. Yura knows that she's not famous enough yet, but that's what also motivates her. She wants to be on top no matter what, especially over Yurhe, who dated the boy she loved during the gang days....she completely over-shadowed Yura back in the past, and hurt him so much that he even kicked Yura out for constantly begging him to date her. Yurhe will NOT win over her matter what connections Yura will have to use, or no matter what deals she'll have to make...or no matter who she'll have to steal.


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