high school??

Yay!!!!! So ill talk about my high school life~ like.....no one cares but im bored. Nogales high school is not that great of a place. So many people >_< there no asians....well only three, two girls and a guy and me and my friends follow him around everywhere(stalkers :3) but he's popular and we are waaaaayyyyyy out of his league -.- anyways my first period is choir. We dont learn anything we just do kareoke but not kpop and that is not what i dont like and whenever i want to sing kpop, they all stare at me and yes they are all girls and they are popular DX okay so second period is spanish. ¡hola, como estas! Yo estoy bien. (English: hi how are you im fine) and yes its hard. The teacher is a b*tch. She expects so much from us!!! Not like the other teachers. Hehehe third period~ is algebra 1 and its not that hard and mr. Boss (how i call him :D) is awesome!!! But he calls us grasshopper s cause we are freshman...... fourth period is English literature and the teacher is also a b*tch. We say something in spanish and we get lunch detention (well what do you expect we live in a border town -.-) then after that its lunch!!! Yay!!! The time me and my friends can spazz and sing to kpop without giving a f**k!!!! And the securities, their cool with some certain people. Okay off to fifth period!!!!! ROTC the military class. We usually march but we also do the obstacle course and p.e~ every time we do the obstacle course i end up going filled with dirt to my last class~ and my last class is biology 1....the only class i could take a nap >~< after an hour i go home at two!!!! About Nogales Arizona.....its a small town that is not on the map...i think. Well until next time and ill continue with my AFF!!!


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