I See A Lot of Idol Doppelgangers in This MV O_o




The first guy that sang (at the 0:19 mark) looks a lot like B1A4's Gongchan or maybe even Himchan from B.A.P


The guy at 0:41 looks a little like Kiseop from U-KISS.


Then there's Yunho's twin at 1:28. Like holy freaking hell, they look so alike, I'm not even kidding you! I feel like they've just cloned Yunho and put his clone in this group. :0


I like the song, though. It's pretty good. They seem like a promising group.




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even there is someone look like kwanghee XD
or is it just me ? XD
yeah...they like a clone of the senior idol. 0.0 What group are they?
who is the group? i cant see the video right now cause i'm at school and they have it blocked.. i'll watch it when i get home :3