My love story

Hi guys. This is really happening to me. And hope you guys can understand and relate with my aweful feelings.


The moment she enters the room, I pray that he is not together with her. When I saw a different guy enter the room after her, a relieved filling filled me but unfortunate, at the same time, cause that's means I couldn't see his face tonight

I almost give up for his presence when my vision is divert back to the door, and there he is, entering the room right after the mentioned-guy. I feel happy to see him there but just for seconds, reality hit me back, that he is actually, really, together with that girl :'(


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ilkpop1112 #1
Mine: He hugs me and teases me. Smiles at me and slings his arm around me. Calls me "Babe" "Sweetie" "Honey"... I sometimes think that he may like me back, until I see him do the same thing with my siser and friends... He's those type of guys you call flirt and player.. But I still like him though :/ I wish he could just crush my dreams, but instead, he keeps leading me on.