PROM HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Okay so here in Australia we call it formal and in other countries its called prom and in Philippines I'm pretty sure its called JS Prom 

so my formal is not this Friday but the next Friday and I need help,

so I have a fried, I asked him to my formal but I'm not that close with him and he said yes (It took me 4 months to get the nerve to ask him out)

so I;m going to formal with him ad everything is going to plan but one thing....

how do I tell him I want a corsarge, like this without sounding upfront!
(a corsarge is the photo down below)

please someone help me tell him that I want one, because I'm not sure he'll get me one :( 

I think it will look amazing with my dress



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From a few comments below me I say bring up a light conversation and Just bring up what you will wear and that a corsarge will make the dress stand out or something like that.
You should say "It's a tradition to have a coursage.. Wane get me one?" lol just act casual!! And good thing you gained courage!! Have fuun!
wow these people are geniuses
girls can ask the guys out?! you go girl lol /slapped
Much like the comment below, bring it up in a light conversation. You can simply ask him whether he is wearing a coloured shirt or whatever, and you can simply say whichever colour you will be wearing, and (insert the colour here) corsage will look great with the dress / you only need a corsage to complete the outfit?

But don't listen to me, I have never been to a prom Dx

And I really like Hyukinfinite-san's suggestion :D
Bring it in lightly in the conversation. Such as, "Oh [insert name here], I forgot to tell you, when you get me the corsage for the formal, remember that it has to be pink so it can match my dress"

Clever clever... I have used that method many a time XD
break the tradition and buy two corsages for both him and you
Maybe you can purposely walk in front of him with your friends and complain very loudly and obviously that your attire looks plain without a corsage, maybe he'll get you one >u< Anyway, is there any special meaning when a guy gives a girl a corsage? XD