Deactivated Tumblr... Made a New One XD

Sorry that I wasn't able to tell you guys to unfollow me or something~ 


I just hate it when it becomes a mess and too disorganized @__@ 


So I started a new one which I'm not going to tell you what the name is yet since it has nothing posted and I'm thinking of ways to make it more organized or something.


Same thing happend with my livejournal, I made a new account because my old livejournal because a mess... but now, i'm ignoring my new livejournal... and heck, I'm ignoring livejournal althogether because I told myself if I ever go to livejournal, I should take care of my new livejournal... ugh X_X


I didn't delete my old livejournal though because a lot of memories and really nice comments were made over there~ ^^ 


So yeah... I'll busy myself with tumblr layouts now... hehehehe~


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hae_ki #1
i.add nya ko... theintrogirlisfickle man cguro ako username hahaha
I tried making a tumblr account but I don't know if there was maintenance going on or what, but I couldn't register for it. So, I gave up.
What is your new tumblr?