40 Secrets About Me You Should Know (And Comment to, Because I love to make Friends)

Okay, I'm only doing this out of mere amusement. But hey You get to learn stuff about me!




  1. What is your natural hair color?

Black~, but I recently highlighted it a light brown.


2. Where was your profile picture taken?

It's a gif, and is not mine, so yeah.


3. What's your middle name?

Don't have one! Surprising, eh?


5. Honestly, does your crush like you back?

Uh....no? I don't know.


6. What is your current mood?

Happy, and the stressed about homework. yup.


7.What color underwear are you wearing?

Yellow. I'm so straightforward. It's yellow guys!


8.What makes you happy?

When I get to hang out with my friends, because I'm forever alone.


9. What’s The Last Thing You Bought?

A Rilakkuma plush pencil case......It's pretty cute actually.


10. If you could go back in time, and change something about yourself what would it be?

I don't want to change myself. I'm perfect (<--lies)
I want to change thsoe around me.


11. If you MUST be an animal for ONE day- what would it be?

A cat.
Eat, sleep, poop, annoy the dog, and then purr for a petting. nya~


12. Ever had a near death experience?

Yyyyyyeeee--- no. nopers.


13. Something you do a lot?

If I get a brain fart, I sleep.
If I'm stressed about homework, I sleep.
If I'm hungry, I sleep.


14. What's the name of the song stuck in your head right now?

Miss Right by TEEN TOP


15.Since when did you start liking your crush? Be Honest.

Beginning of Freshmen year. *whispers* He's asian too.


16. Name someone with the same birthday as you?

Yiruma! The great Korean Pianist! and Greg from my Geometry class.


17. When was the last time you cried?

A week ago. Family problems, meh.


18. Have you ever sang in front of a large audience?

Yeeeeeeess.......Yes I have. I was fabulous. You wish you were there.
Just kidding, ut yes, yes I have sang in front of a large audience.


19. If you could have one super power what would it be?

FLYING! Because that would be quite cool.
Imagine a pair of fabulous wings on my back now.


20. What's the first thing you notice about the opposite ?

Is he asian or not. No, seriously. This is what Kpop has done to me.


21. What do you usually order from Starbucks

Green Tea Frappuccino!


22. What’s your biggest secret?

I....have a birthmark on my right arm that is shaped exactly like a heart.
And guess what? i'm born right after Valentines day, February 15th.
Because of that, I wear a lot of long sleeved shirts.


23. What's your favorite color?

Navy blue and/or black.


24. When was the last time you lied

Just now actually. I lied that I wasn't hungry.
My stomach's actually growling right now. DIET TIME!


25. Do you still watch kiddy movies or TV shows?

Nooooo......Whatchu talkin' about?
Okay, yeah. I do.
Admittance is the first step to acceptance.


27. What are you eating or drinking at the moment?

Calpico! Best asian soft drink ever!


28. Do you speak any other language?

Uh, yes. I speak Taishanese, Cantonese, Korean, and Spanish.


29. What's your favorite smell?

I would lie and say something not weird, but here it comes.
My blanket. Y
ou guys are all probably flipping and creeped out, but it's a comforting scent to me.
It smells like home to me. .・゜゜・(/。\)・゜゜・.
Also the reason why I like to sleep a lot.
(Please tell me I'm not the only one)


30. If you could describe life in one word what would it be?



31. When was the last time you gave/received a hug?

Today, at lunch. To my friend. Yup. I'm an affectionate person.


33. What are you thinking about right now ?

WHat piano piece I should elarn next because I already fini9shed "Promise You" by Super Junior KRY.


34. What should you be doing ?

Finishing my notes on Frankenstein and typing an essay that's due tomorrow.....


35. What was the last thing that made you upset?

Knowing that I can't ever meet Yesung. Oh wait, that's like every second of my life now. Thank You Super Junior.
Thank You.


37. Do you like working in the yard?

Sure! It's back breaking work, but you get to see the sunshine and plant things you can see grow later!


38. If you could have any last name in the world, what would you want?

Kim Jongwoon's family name.
I wouldn't mind a Cho Kyuhyun's family name either....Ψ(`◇´)Ψ


39. Name 5 things in your closet.

A shirt. My concert attires. A few stray socks. My bathing suit. and my cow costume from Korea.


40. Do you act different around your crush?

No. I'm fabulous. I don't need to change to get what I want





So....yeah. Here ya go. Some odd but true info on me!

Comment about questions or similarities you with me, because I will make you my best friends.







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o-OH!!!! NO.30 answers are the same of mine~!!! Yes like hell is life~!!! *jumping*

But unnie's is so cute but mine is some awkward...

Let's be friend~!
jaehyos #2
yes at sleeping. that's the only thing that i do these days. and my blanket has a comforting scent too. not to mention its the softest thing ever
Happie #3
You're cute and fabulous <3

anyways, do you have a tumblr? You sound like you'd have one.