PERFECTION} New Girl Group Apply^_^(

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AFF username: elisha960809

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Character Info; She is rich, a genius, and beautiful. SHe is everything every girl wants to be. She is PERFECT. On the outside! She loves it when people stare at her in awe and when people envy her. She is cold-hearted to everyone because that is how she was taken care of. She squishes all her sadness and frustrations inside herself so she herself doesn't even know that she is sad in the inside. She thinks she is perfect on the outside AND inside.

Name: Baek Songee

Nickname(s): Flower, Rose, Baekji (baekji in korean means 'a girl that has nothing inside her head' or another, nicer word for stupid. some girl celebrities are called baekji because it is also a cuter way of saying stupid to girls. Songee is not a Baekji because she's dumb but because she doesn't get that there are some people that don't like her)

Birthday: 16

Ethnicity: Korean

Hometown: California, U.S.A.

Birthplace: Seoul, Korea

Personality: She can be a little bit self-centered and self-conceited. She is straightforward and expects everyone to love her. Everyone DOES love her except her new group members! Everyone loved her only because she is so beautiful and graceful and rich and smart. But I'm sure when they get to know her, they will be disappointed. But she doesn't understand the people that don't like her. She feels like everyone should love her.

But she doesn't realize that some people don't like her until she meets her new groupmates. SHe never knew before that it is possible for people to dislike her because she never really communicated with anyone. Nobody approached her directly because she was so grand and rich and different class level. But with her new groupmates, they're different. They don't know exactly how rich she is and how powerful her family is so they treat her normally or even tell her or show her that they are not fond of her.

She is actually pretty straightforward when it comes to saying harsh words or saying things bluntly. When she wants something, she demands for it and somehow, she gets it. But when it comes to falling in love, she can't say anything. Or when she becomes fond of her new group members, she becomes quiet and shy and happy in the INSIDE. She can't express the lovey feelings she has, only the cold, harsh feelings. That's why even though she wants to be friends with someone or wants to be accepted by them, she accidently does something mean to the person and the person begins to despise her. She hates herself for that but she is so stubborn that she thinks that she can't change herself and that she should love herself just the way she is.

And even though she seems spoiled, when it comes to singing and dancing, she is very humbled and graceful. This is one reason why she doesn't like dancing and singing in front of others---she is too shy to show others her passion and serious side of her! And she is elegant because even is she is spoiled, she IS rich and she is PERFECTLY taught to be mannerly and elegant and ALWAYS dressing pretty when seeing others. Even when she sleeps, she has to wear pretty sleeping gowns. And when she eats, she is perfectly mannerly and chews with closed. And when she becomes a celebrity, she doesn't do force-aegyos and try hard to be cute. She acts calm and elegant, smiling a slight, beautiful smile to everyone and bow politely to them.

Past: There was a time when she actually felt the sadness and felt the loneliness. THat was when she was only 7 years old. When she was younger than that, her nanny would play with her and occupy her and make her happy. But at age 5, her parents think she is all grown up so they fire the nanny since they don't need her anymore. Songee is of course sad that her nanny left but over time, she got over it. When she was age 7, it has been two years since her nanny was fired and she had no friends. She was homeschooled by a private tutor. He is from England and he is very strict and boring. Songee hated it but she couldn't do anything about it because she doesn't DARE to complain to her strict and powerful parents.

Most 7 year olds always have fun, goof around, play loudly and excitingly....But Songee couldn't do that. She basically has no fun memories of her childhood. She was always jealous of all the other kids who get to play with each other and tell secrets to each other. Every night, she would cry to herself. THen one day, she asked her mother if she can go outside and play with the other kids. Her mother scolds her and says that playing noisily like that is for immature kids and you're too mature to be like that. So Songee gave up on the thought to play with the other kids. THen she got a brilliant idea of trying to make others jealous of HER instead of being jealous of OTHERS herself!!! How she can do that is simple! She acts more mature and more elegant!

HOW SHE GOT INTO GIRL GROUP: She has always loved singing and dancing. She would sing secretly to herself in her room when nobody is home. She would dance too, looking at youtube videos. She is GREAT at dancing and singing. She hears the song once, and she memorizes everything. SHe sees the dance once, she can copy it exactly the same! She first got interested in singing and dancing when she was first left home alone at the age of 7. Her parents has fired nanny and they are confident that Songee would do well alone! All the maids are always downstairs cleaning, cooking, and doing maid work. Nobody takes care of Songee because they are not a nanny. Songee was extremely lonely and even scared! She was scared of being home alone.

So then she would turn up the music loud on the radio so her huge room won't be so quiet and scary. But one day, her dad stayed home and she had the music on so loud that he came inside the room and took away the radio because he needed to focus on his work. Well at least Songee had her computer still! SO she turns on the music softly so her dad won't take it away. But eventually, her MOM took it away because it was distracting SOngee from her studies. SO no music.....lonely and quiet room. So what does she do? She sings!!! Because it's not like her parents can take her voice away from her! And for dancing, she already had to take ballet classes alone from a private dance teacher. Her parents make her. She has always hated ballet but once she got interested in singing and music, she began to love ballet and added her own little moves into it!

But she never sang or danced in front of ANYONE except the dance teacher. Well she HAD to dance in front of her. Her dance teacher, Miss Hwang, is actually a special person to her. Miss Hwang is the only one who has seen the sincere side of Songee and Miss Hwang loves her to death! Songee loves her too but she doesn't express herself very much and hides all her sadness from her. But actaully, the sadness and sincerity comes out when she begins to dance to ballet.

So anyways she got interested into dancing and singing like that. But she never thought she would be an idol group singer! So she saw a flyer advertising an audition to be a trainee for B2MEnt. and the flyer said things like, 'If you like to dance, sing, act, or MC, come here and become an idol!' Songee actually never even knew the meaning of 'idol singer/idol group' and never even knew such things existed, so she just thought that meant to be the god of dance/singing. So she applied for it and auditioned her fabulous and graceful and elegant dance moves! And she sang a calm ballad. The judges lovewd her color/style so they chose her immediately! She was so happy and excited until she met her new group. She's confused about it all. But she eventually gets the idea of what she just got herself into!!


Hobbies: Of course dancing to ballet or graceful songs or soft melodies, singing ballads, trying new things, listening to any kind of classical or just any music, expressing her feelings when she's alone, staying home alone, eating tangerines.

Habits: saying harsh things without meaning it, studying to calm herself down, being self-centered.

Likes: tangerines, being loved, dancing, singing, trying new things, exploring music, listening to music, fancy fashion, dresses, watching kids her age playing with each other, skirts

Dislikes: expressing her lovey dovey feelings, hurting people when she doesn't mean to, performing in front of others (she likes it but she feels embarrassed and shy and SUPER nervous), making mistakes, when her pride crashes down, when people don't like her, when people call her Baekji, sweating a lot, watching kids her age playing with each other (she is amused by them but feels lonely all the time when she watches them play), girls who wear a bunch of makeup, long pants, pants

Skills/Talent: She is a genius/she has the IQ of a genius. SHe is great at convincing people with money/ she is good at dealing with money problems.

Appearance: && && && &&

Name of Ulzzang/Idol: Suzy from Miss A


Formal: &&

Casual: &&


Character's fanclub name: 100 roses! (because baek in korean in 100 and songee means flower:D)

Fanclub color: dark red

Position in the group: main vocalist, sub dancer, or lead vocalist~ 

What letter are you in the group's name: (E)legant, (R)esponsible, (C)harming



Partner's name: Youngmin from Boyfriend

His Personality: He's really cute and feminine and clean freak and innocent looking. He is very good at expressing his lovey dovey feelings and is very bad at expressing harsh feelings, just the opposite of Songee! But he can be super tough and scary when he can be. Like when Songee is being mean to others and stuff, Youngmin punishes her:D

How you 2 met: Youngmin is a middle class person. He has a twin name Kwangmin (from Boyfriend too). Songee actually got to know Kwangmin first. Kwangmin has a lot of natural aegyo. He was playing outside with his friends and he was playful and his reactions sometimes were really cute. Songee usually doesn't like aegyo but Kwangmin's aegyo was so natural! Songee was fascinated and got the nerve to talk to him. All the other guys were like, "Ohhhh!" because Songee was so pretty. Kwangmin was shy. Songee didn't say anything though, she was just kind of surprised at herself that she was courageous enough to do this! Then Youngmin comes out from his house and Songee falls in love at first sight! But Songee just steals glances at him and doesn't express her feelings. Youngmin is really nice and greets Songee really nicely. Songee just kind of ignores him and tries to make a conversation with Kwangmin instead. But Kwangmin is so shy! So Youngmin asks Songee if she wants to play with them. She says shyly, sure...maybe.... And he puts his arm around her like a friend and says "She's playing with us!" happily. But SOngee's parents come from work and her mom pulls her away and drags her home. After that, Songee was grounded for a whole month. But luckily, Youngmin and Kwangmin and his friends lived nearby and always hung out in front of Songee's mansion. Songee would watch them play and be occupied for some time.

Picture of him: &&

His talents: dancing, cooking, singing, piano, song writing

How he acts towards you: expresses all his feelings to her, loving or not. He's really nice to her. Treats her like a friend. He touches her a lot but he doesn't realize it, it's just natural skinship to him.

Your Pet name: Songee, Youngmin oppa. Just by their names. Songee calls Youngmin, oppa.


Friends: Krystal from F(X). They aren't very close but Krystal is the only girl Songee's age that Songee has ever talked to. Songee talked to her once when Krystal was playing basketball with her guy friend and the ball went over to SOngee's house. Krystal was nice to her and Songee was taken aback. 

Family: Baek SongAh--Older sister--18 years old--Songee looks up to Songah unnie but Songah doesn't really care about Songee. She doesn't play with Songee.--Songah is training to be an idol singer too but Songee debuts earlier.

Baek SongHae--Younger sister--14 years old--She never plays with Songee unnie or Songah unnie. She is very individual and enjoys it that way. She hates it when Songee tries to play with her or talk to her.--She wants to take over Dad's company.

Mom/Kang JunMi--Mother--46 years old--only talks to daughters when she has to punish them. Always acted cold towards them. Always only punish Songee the most because Songee is not responsible like Songah and not hardworking like SongHae--She is the vice president of husband's company.

Baek JunMuck--father--47 years old--rarely ever talk to his daughters. only talks to them about business or their future. is almost never home. treats Songee the coldest.--CEO of the Baek Incorporation.


What is a good fanclub name for the group: PERFECTED



Anything you want to add?

 W= F x d


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Capsule #1
Goodluck! ^^
AliciaRose #2
Question... how does this work? Seems like something I'd be interested in but I really don't even know what it is lol