tonight..... heart felt so weird....not like usual at all....i felt a pain inside my heart.....too pain till i don't know why i felt pain and sad just felt so weird....if i remember what i did today....i had so much fun and happiness that i got today but why i felt sad and pain like i want to let out my tears from my eyes....want to cry...but i can tears is come out....i felt so lonely even thought my parent company me right now....i felt like there were no one around me....dark......far away from people......i just so strange tonight....what actually happen to me??? i wish i can get a perfect answer or solutions for my problem right now but i don't get anything at all.....nothing...... (sorry because i write something that no important at all inside this finger work by their self typing at the phone keyboard....i just felt like to write this thing even thought is not that important at all for you guys to know....)


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something wrong kitty??
Omo, what's wrong?