THE ZING - [Character Name]



USERNAME — ( hyperlinked )
ACTIVENESS — 1-10, 10 is highest )
NAME — what name do I call you? )

CHARACTER NAME — ( Only the first name, no last name and it can be foreign )
NICKNAME — ( what your friends call you )
BIRTHDATE — DD/MM/YY - 16-20 yrs. old)
BIRTHPLACE — ( can be foreign )
HOMETOWN — ( same as above )

WEIGHT — ( please match with the height) (kg)
HEIGHT — ( No under 165cm please ) (cm & ft)
ETHNICITY —(can be foreign. 2 max.)




ULZZANG — ( I'd rather a Korean Ulzzang only please. Park Hwan Hui taken.)(HQ Pics only.)
BACK-UP ULZZANG — ( Korean Ulzzang only. )(HQ Pics only)
FASHION — ( description. 1 paragraph min. 2 paragraphs max.)

FASHION LINK — ( link the pics. )





[Chosen Ulzzang Pic. Delete this part afterwards]

"Let's Get Personal"

FRIENDS — ( format; name/age/occupation/personality/relationship ) (min. 1 max. 4-5)
C.RELATIONSHIP — ( State your relationship to my character & How they interact )

FAMILY  (format; name/age/occupation/personality/relationship)

FAMILY BACKGROUND  (2-4 paragraphs. italicize the important ones.)

GOOD — ( refer here)
BAD — refer here. )

PERSONALITY — ( 1 paragraph min. 3 paragraphs max. )(personality is the key. I like weird people or people who are very mysterious. HAVE A CHARACTER PERSONA!)

LIKES — (+5)
FEARS —(+3)

HOBBIES — (+3)
HABITS —(+3)

LANGUAGE — (min. 1 max. 3)
TRIVIA —(unlimited. please make it useful for my story. The more useful the better.)

"It was a thing called Zing"

LOVE INTEREST — ( Choi Junhong is taken. )
MONSTER TYPE — ( refer to here. )
PERSONALITY TRAITS — ( good and bad. refer here)
PERSONALITY — ( 1 paragraph min. 2 paragraphs max. )

LIKES — (+5)

BACK-UP LOVE INTEREST — ( Choi Junhong is taken. )
MONSTER TYPE — ( refer to here. )
PERSONALITY TRAITS — ( good and bad)
PERSONALITY — ( 1 paragraph min. 2 paragraphs max. )

LIKES — (+5)


You Only Zing Once

COMMENTS — ( I'm friendly~ Tell me anything~ )
SUGGESTIONS — ( oohhh~ I would like to hear about your suggestions for my story!!! I will not allow you to leave this blank! )
SCENE REQUESTS — ( any fluffly scenes you want to happen? )
PASSWORD — ( Did you read the rules? )



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