〔` victory —An Aileen ; application

welcome into my world,
username + hyperlink : MIssInvader
what can i call you? :Invader
activeness :9
another me, the second soul,
name : An Ailan
english name :An Aileen 
nickname :Ailee and Ai ||The Snob
age : 18
birthdate : July/4th/1994
birthplace :Athen,Greece
hometown :Busan
ethnicity :Greek-Korean
language :Greek(Fluent) and English(Conversational)
blood type :O
height :180
weight :56kg
personality traits :Confident,Self-Centered,Snobbish,Smart,and Funny
my favorite things in life,
personality :I am spoiled, snobbish, and self-centered because of my wealth (like most rich girls), but I can also be an empathetic person who cares deeply about her friends and family.I am very stubborn which cause a lot of fights and just because I tall does not mean nothing since I am the weakest among all my friends unless I am angry. I am very intelligent, seeing as how when I makes any mistake, I will find a way to make it benefit me.I am very self center on my looks so I go around calling myself Hera or  just a Goddess.I not very book smart or street smart but when it comes to fashion and music then that is my moment to shine.I am a vegetarian so hate to eat meat so when I do you better grab a bucket because I going to throw up.People laugh at my jokes because they can never understand it which is funny to them or it something about my ego.Yes,I know I have an big ego but so what,I just know i'm beautiful.I get all shy and unconfident around boy groups because I think they cute which make the members want me around boy groups more so I can shut up.I love to do anything with fashion but if it ugly fashion well I might say a few bad words.I am very confident about eveything about me so when people ask me a question about myself the other member can't help but sigh or laugh but I find nothing funny since I think everything about me is wonderful.I often insult people without knowing which hurts people feelings so when I find out I hurt the person feelings,i take them out to ear,take photos with them,call them pretty and say sorry when hugging.I like to be funny so everyday I tell jokes or act dumb just to make people laugh which always work unless the person do not like me then I make a comment that sound like an insult and a compliment which leave people confused.I mostly get people to laugh at me by doing random dances or kkap dances which make them laugh maybe alittle too much.
background : I was born in Athen,Greek, as heiress to a wealthy family. Just a week after I was born my family moved to Seoul,South Korea. My mother is Greek and a CEO , and my father is an Korean businessman whose work frequently takes him away from home. While all my needs are provided for by my butler,Erun, I still feel isolated and wishes that I could see my parents more often.I became interested in being an idol when I was 14 years old because I wanted more people to know who I am and my talents.I was born as a twin with my brother and we spent all of their time together, only recently learning to open up and become friends with other people. Our mother is hardly at home ever since we could talk, and both of us seem to take after her in appearance; We have grown up to be much like her in personality and fashion skills as well. Our father on the other hand is a owner of a popular candy company and doesn't seem to resemble us at all. As a child I grew up never being apart from my brother and we both became very codependent on each other.When I was 14 years old,my mother became pregnant with a baby boy so my family moved out of mansion into a 4 bedroom house just because my father wanted the new baby to have a normal life but he still hire the nannys and maid which of course made me mad since I wanted to move in a bigger house with a walk in closet.
likes : 
  1. Money
  2. Mirrors
  3. Hello Kitty
  4. Cute Boys
  5. Fashion
dislikes : 
  1. Bully's
  2. Meat
  3. Horror Movies
  4. Bugs
  5. Milk
fears : 
  1. Animals
  2. Ghosts
hobbies : 
  1. Shopping
  2. Reading about the latest fashion
  3. Designing clothes
  4. Looking in the mirror
  5. Taking photos of myself
habits : 
  1. Think i'm better then everyone
  2. Can talk about myself for hours
  3. Cry when super happy
  4. Talk in Greek when mad
  5. Blush a lot around boys
talents/skills : 
  1. Can sound like SNSD Yoona
  2. Know how to play the piano
  3. Flexible 
trivia :
  • Idol Type is Teen Top Ricky
  • A member of SONE
  • Favorite color is Hot Pink
  • Favorite group is B.A.P
  • Was almost an Model
  • One fell down a staircase when I was 10yr
  • In collage to be Fashion Designer
  • Never had an boyfriend
  • I sleep talk and most of the times its about my feeling towards people
  • People kept thinking I like one of the B.A.P member
the face that caught all attention,
appearance :Kwon Su Jeong
appearance links : 1|2|3|4|5|6 
backup appearance :Park So Ra
backup links : 1|2|3|4|5|6 
style : 
Casual- 1 2 3
Formal- 1 2 3
Training- 1 2 3
Airport- 1 2 3
other :N/A
told me something, about them,
family :
  • An Eris |39yr| CEO of an Clothing Company |Self-centered,Stubborn,Funny,Smart,and Snobbish |Mother
  • An Shinyung |41yr| Owner of an Candy Company |Quite,Nice,Caring,Weird,and Rude |Father
  • An Jinwoo| 18yr| Trainee at TS |Self-Centered,Smart,Funny,Stubborn,and Confident |Twin Brother
  • An Kinyung |4yr | N/A | Loud,Hard-headed,Rude,Random,and Mean | Little Brother
bestfriend : 
  • Jang Dongwoo|22yr|Member of Infinite|Weird,Funny and Stubborn
friends : 
  • Kim Hyoyeon|23yr|Member of SNSD|Funny,Hyper and Outgoing
  • Bang Ara |18yr|Waitress/Student|Quite,Smart and Boy crazy
rivals : 
  • Jung Soojung/Krystal|18yr|Member of F(X)|Rude,Bossy and Mean but on camera she is Nice,Caring,and loud|When Krystal find out who I liked,she told me to back off and that he was her so I said and I quote "I'm not going down without a fight'" which she said ok to before walking away.
i told you, he love you very much,
love interest : Kim Jonghyun | 22yr |SHINee)
meeting : When Victory debut,They had to go meet other groups in different companies and SHInee was the first one on the list.
treating :Love(Me)-Hate(Him)
backup love interest : Ahn Daniel/Niel|18yr |Teen Top)
meeting : When Music Bank was interviewing idols in the waiting room,Teen Top and Victory shared the waiting room.
treating :Sunbae-Hoobae
special scene request :A special stage performance and A kiss scene in front of the other members of Victory.
standing still on the stage, with audience around,
stage name :Hera
persona :4D Goddess
individual fanclub name + color :Heros because Hera almost sound like Hero 
position : 2nd Main Vocalist and Sub Rapper || Triple Treat 
backup position :Main Vocalist and Lead Dancer || Leader
rap twin :T-ara Eunjung|| 1 2 3
sing twin :Lee Hi || 1 2 3
dance twin :Miss A Min || 1 2
it is the time to say goodbye, but don't go far away,
anything else? : Can sing 2NE1 "Clap your hands" or F(x) "Nu Abo"
comments :Good Luck! and How are you!
scene request :Victory have a very funny and awkward moment with Secret and B.A.P 


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haha. i saw the comments.
i am fine and thanks for applying!