{ » Snow ☃☃ ¦ WOOLIM ent new girl group ¦ Choi Oilina ; Princess


Diamond application


( ★ ) Hello,Hello

Username  : MIssInvader

Activeness  : 9

Real Name :Asia

★ ) Stalk My Real Life

Real Name :Choi Oilina

Other Name :N/A

Age ( 17-22 ) :19 years old

Birthdate  : February 14th,1995

Birthplace  :Ho Chi Minh City , Vietnam

Hometown : Seoul,South Korea

Bloodtype :O

Chinese Zodiac :Dog

Height :181 cm

Weight :56 kg

Languages  :




 ) Smile Always

Personality :I am spoiled, snobbish, and self-centered because of my wealth (like most rich girls), but I can also be an empathetic person who cares deeply about her friends and family.I am very stubborn which cause a lot of fights and just because I tall does not mean nothing since I am the weakest among all my friends unless I am angry. I am very intelligent, seeing as how when I makes any mistake, I will find a way to make it benefit me.I am very self center on my looks so I go around calling myself Hera or  just a Goddess.I am very brave unless it come to animals and bugs then I probably just scream and cry.I not very book smart or street smart but when it comes to fashion and music then that is my moment to shine.I am a vegetarian so hate to eat meat so when I do you better grab a bucket because I going to throw up.People laugh at my jokes because they can never understand it which is funny to them.I am told by people of all gender that I am mean so Twice a day I try to be nice but end up failing.I am awkward around boys do to the fact that I go to an all girls boarding school so the only boys I know are my siblings and cousins.While idolized by most of the younger girls at my school , I frequently get gifts from them and give advice to them about fashion and makeup. I get in trouble at school for fights because I just believe that girls are jealous of my good looks but they are happy that they probably won't see me again since we are graduation.

Background  :I was born in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, as heiress to a wealthy family. Just a week after I was born my family moved to Seoul,South Korea. My mother is Vietnamese , and my father is an Korean businessman whose work frequently takes him away from home. While all my needs are provided for by my butler,Erun, I still feel isolated and wishes that I could see my father more often.At the age of 5,my parents adopted a son who was 10 years and name Jiyoung.A year later my parents got divorce so my brother and I moved in with my father since we did not want to go back to Vietnam.My father got marry just after a month to a Model who was just 18 at the time much to my family disappointment. When I was in the 6th grade,I discover that with good look you can get almost anything in life which made me into the Hot,Cute,and Beautiful Lady today.When I was 16 years old,Jiyoung and I became older siblings to a baby boy name Tiro who mother is the Gold Digger Model.I wanted to be an Idol when I was 14 years old and heard SNSD "Gee" on the radio and I just know I could either be like them or better than them.

Style ( Description and links ) :At the airport,I look like i'm having an lazy day so people mostly see me in harem pants and shirt.I look very elegant for formal but maybe to elegant because when I dress up people call me "Princess Oilina" which I get mad at.My daily clothes are any kind of t-shirt and a skirt so I can show off my pretty legs  .Lastly,My training clothes are anything as long as it have an tank-top since I do get hot fast.

Likes : 

  1. Fashion
  2. Makeup
  3. Sweets
  4. Cute Boys
  5. Music
  6. Hello Kitty

Dislikes :

  1. Bully's
  2. Better looking Girls
  3. Snobs(expect for me)
  4. Meat
  5. Cheap Hotels
  6. The Color Blue

Hobbies  :

  1. Designing Clothes
  2. Reading about Stars and Fashion
  3. Shopping
  4. Taking Pictures of myself

Habits  :

  1. Voice crack when Lying
  2. Cry when Scared
  3. Pick a fight when Angry
  4. Use my funny/awkwaed aegyo when somebody is sad or mad

Fears :

  1. Heights
  2. Animals
  3. Bugs
  4. Doctors

Trivia :

  • Idol Type is SHINee Onew
  • Favorite Song is Ailee "I Will Show You"
  • Never had an boyfriend
  • Was in a CF when I was 5 years old
  • Favorite Girl Group is Girl's Day
  • Favorite Color is Green
  • Dream of Attending collage for an Fashion Degree
  • Told that I look like one of the members of SNSD

 ) Am I Pretty?

Idol Name :Hello Venus- Yoo Ara

Links : 1|2|3|4|5|6|

Backup Idol Name :Hello Venus

Links : 1|2|3|4|5|

 ) You Light My Way

Family :

 |Lai  Uran| 42yr & December 18| Teacher | She has a very loving and caring heart and a talent in seeing the good in everyone. However, she does have a slight jealous side that often comes out in relation to her ex-husband since she is still in love with him |Mother

|Choi  Jaesun|45yr & May 6|Business Man|He seem cold and mean to everybody but around his new wife and children,He is funny and loud.He never spend anytime with me but always have free time for my brother and my step mother|Father

|Choi Jiyoung|23yr & June 21|Trainee at YMC/Waiter|He know he good looking so he use that to get anything he want from girls.He is very protective of me being around boys and like to tease me alot about being stuck up which I do not see or just to see me angry.|Adopted Brother

|Choi Sunmi|31yr & February 2|Model|She is nice and kind around my father and step brother but when we both alone together she like to insult me and said that she have my father wrap around her finger.She loves to pick fights with me untill she notice I am going to hit her so she run out the room.|Step Mother

|Choi Tiro|2 yr & January 1st | N/A |He is quite smart for a two year old which make him even cuter then he is now.He is always seen laughing and hardly cry even if he fall to the ground hard which shocks people all the time.He love to kiss people on the cheek and to pull hair if the person have any.|Half - Brother

Friends  :

|Amy Lee/Ailee | 24yr & May 30 | My brother was friends with her and set me up on Play date with her so I could have aleast one friend who was a female.  | Close Friends |She is very girly and will become loud and goofy when it comes to anything about infinite.I never visit her dorm since she has a pet dog but she visit my house a lot.Since she like to eat meat,I sometimes cook it for not going over to her dorm.She likes to skin ship because she love the way people reactions are so I am the one who she mostly do it with.

Best friends  : 

|Lee Taemin|20yr & July 18|I live next door to him for the past 4 years,I ask him could we be friends and he said yes.|Best Friend For Life|He and Ailee likes to bully me since I am the only who does not eat meat.He believe he never acted bad before but he use to pull my hair and push me on the ground when we was kid.We both love to watch harry potter just to see Emma Watson.He wanted me to have a sleep over at his dorm 5 months after SHINee debut but I was not allowed by my brother since it was an all boys dorm

Interesting moment with family :We(Brother,Father,Mother,and I) were having a panic together and a dog came and peed on my mother new pair of pants.My father tried to clean it up but and up falling in the lake after tripping over the blanket.My brother was recording everything and I was just laughing till I started to cry.

 ) Hate You!

Rival Name :Kim Taeyeon

Age :24yr

Group : SNSD

Personality :She thinks she the best just because she have a lot of fanboys and a wonderful voice.Since She is one of the most popular members of SNSD people think she is the nicest person ever but she like to bully people.She like to insult a people she see as competition then make it seem like they insulted her.She picks fights with you then when you on a tv show together,She make it seem like you friends when you really not.She date a boy for one day and then the next day she act like they are friends.If she find out who you like and you her rival,she will try to steal him away from you.

Reason of Rivalry:My brother was so lucky(NOT!) to go on a blind date with her and then she dump him like a pair of old shoes.So when I saw her while visting Taemin,I call her some colorful words then said and I quote "You going down once I debut".She said she could not wait then drag Taemin off somewhere while talking about how ugly I look which is not true since I am better looking then her.

 ) I am A star

How Do You Get Into WOOLIM?:I sended in a video of my amazing skills and after 3 months of waiting they finally accpeted me which I started to cry at since I expect to be rejected.

Trainee Life  :It was very easy since my good looks help me with almost everything.I had none friends since I could not talk to any of them without making a remark about their looks or fashion style.I almost quited but remeber that if I stay and debut I can see Taemin and Ailee more then I do now.I was a bully to people and was almost kickout until the CEO figure out that its my personality.

Position  :Spokeperson, Lead rapper, Dancer, and Sub vocalist

Backup Position :Maknae, Composer, Main Rapper, and Vocalist

Persona :The Snobby Princess

Stage Name :Princess

Years of Training : 3 years

Fnclub Name & Color :Castle & Pink

Singing Twin and Links  :After School Nana || 1 2

Dancing Twin and Links :Miss A Suzy|| 1 2

Rapping Twin and Links :Miss A Jia || 1 2

Speaking Twin and Links:Kara Park Gyuri|| 1 2

★ ) Monday Couple

Love Interest  :Yoo Youngjae

Age : 19yr

Group :B.A.P

Personality : He is very calm even when most people are angry or screaming like crazy.On his free time,He is mostly watching One Piece on TV or reading the manga.He only respect Himchan the most which make Daehyun upset.He dislike girls that reveal too much skin since he think that mean she won't stop being y even if she had an boyfriend.He over react when he is too happy which causes him to hit them sometimes. He like to make his fans happy by singing to them and then give them a hug.He is very friendly but the only girl group he ever talk to was secret since both of them are in the same company.

Relationship :Love(Me)-Hate(Him)

How you met :Snow and B.A.P were guests on a radio show and they had to seat next to eachother.

Backup Love Interest :Kim Jonghyun

Age :22yr

Group :SHINee

Personality :He cry too often for a boy which s about but girls like me think it cute.He very popular with girls which is the reason his number is full with girls numbers.He is very witty so when he make jokes people always laugh at them.He to harsh with his words which make people cry.He belive that self confidence is important and that fit me perfectly.When he is angry it best to be far away because he is a very scary person when this happen.After watching Twlight:New Moon,he take off his shirt at the dorm everyday to be like the werewolves.

Relationship :Acquaintance

How You Met :Taemin introduce me to Shinee when he was throwing me a party at his dorm for my debut with s and Jonghyun was the only who brought me a present.

(  ) Closing Ceremony

Suggestion :for songs Snow can do-"Expectation" by Girl's Day,"What are you doing today" by Hello Venus,and "La Cha Ta" by F(x)

Comments : Hello!

Scene Requested :A accidentally kiss scene on a tv show.

Password :Yoonsoo



- Love Choi Oilina ; MIssInvader 




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