n°1 - Advertised Links. Seriously?

Advertised links are the most unfair things in the history of AFF. Not that I've been on here long. And that's the thing. I've only been here for a year and I can already tell you how many of the stories that get advertised are actually really good.


So far, less than 5.


I'm not being mean. I'm not even being biased. I couldn't tell you who the best writers on AFF are because people have good and bad fics equally. And I don't even find the good fics from 'Daily Upvoted' or 'Advertised' or even "Featured Random Stories'. I find them from exploring, from searching, from recommendations. Don't get me wrong, I'm not being snobby, but when the Advertised Link authoress announces that she's gone from 4 to three-digit subscribers in a day simply because she got advertised, it makes my blood boil. I read her fic. It made me want to cry, and not tears of joy. The story was cliche, her sentence structure was horrible, her grammar was wrong, she had character profiles (the most evil things to ever grace fanfiction). But she still had 10 times as more subscribers than I do on my most popular fic right now. And not even fairly-earned subscribers; she only had 2 chapters when she got advertised.


I should rephrase that. She didn't get advertised. She advertised herself.


I never understand how people so blatantly promote their fics like that. Sure, it gives you a huge confidence boost when you get heaps and heaps of people reading, commenting, subscribing, but to more or less scream to the world READ MY FIC BECAUSE I HAVE ENOUGH KARMA TO MAKE SURE ALL OF YOU SEE IT... it really just pisses me off. Even if I had enough karma I'd never sell myself like that. You want to read my fics? Look for me. Think your fic is good? Wait for a random feature. I still am.


I'm not jealous. I'm not even being bitter about it because honestly I don't write to get hundreds of readers and thousands of karma. As long as I have people who love my writing, who comment regularly and not just to say 'update soon!' then I'm happy.


The only reason I want more karma is to change my username lmao.


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I wouldn't mind if it was an author whom I appreciated. And just like the user below me, if he wanted to advertise, I would let him use my karma in a heartbeat.

But the sad thing is that good authors don't have a care for subscribers. They write just to write.
In general, the whole karma system balls.
The vast majority of users on AFF love to read cliche, stereotypical stories. And so those that write those stories become popular and because of the subscriber = karma system, their karma goes up. Then they can advertise their fic. And then they'll be upvoted into being featured and have enough karma to promote their next fic. It's an unfair circle.
Although the actual advertising system has potential, I agree. Most of the fics are nothing special but they get hundreds of subs because they have karma.
I have a lot of karma, but I'm never going to use it because I wouldn't advertise my own story. But if I knew a GOOD author was planning to advertise her story which I had read and thought was nothing short of a masterpiece, I wouldn't hesitate it giving it to her. In a way I kind of hope that if good authors promote their good stories better stories will become popular and the general AFF community could be improved. Yeah. I'm probably just dreaming. Oh well, it's 2:17 in the morning and my brain is fried from watching anime.
/hides back into my corner
Hurricane-Venus #3
Lol! I thought changing your username was the ONLY thing karma could be used for (pretty much)!