health & beauty

Lol hey y'all. I'm in Vegas right now for this spring break, but I'm going to be leaving on Monday. Me & my little sister got stuck with watching the babies, while the adults try to go out & gamble, but seriously my mom loses lots of money usually. The internet connection for YouTube tho, I was planning to watch the kmw in Bangkok. So I'm trying to start this blog post, while the whole mama album is playing on my phone(yes, I illegally downloaded the whole album keke, but I have the actual album too). I'm staying at the new York New York hotel, & luckily a view of their roller coaster lol. This morning I walked with my family to the bellagio buffet. I ate like a pig, their breakfast selection is rather unhealthy. So I ate scrambled eggs, bacon, mashed potatoes, & prime rib. So delicious right? Well I've been dieting, so I felt extremely guilty after, I ate sugar free dessert then. I still felt bad, so I ate cantaloupes & watermelon after, I don't think I ate enough. I then took the strawberries & rubbed it on my teeth, since they are a natural whitener. Went to the garden after. Took a couple pictures. My little sister took a couple of full body pics of myself. I looked at all of them, & deleted all of them, I didn't think they were pretty/I wasn't satisfied with how I looked. Felt self conscious walking back to the hotel room. I saw lots of tall skinny people, most of them were American though. I was looking particularly chunky that day, it could've been the clothes I was wearing, or I'm actually fat, or I'm just so short that my body mass is compressed or something. I'm totally changing my diet, but it's kinda hard, since I'm a kid & I actually don't shop for my own ingredients. I've been looking at kpop star diets, snsd's in particular, Brown rice, grilled chicken , broccoli, & sometimes sweet potatoes, but only a minimal amount. I actually asked my mum if I could buy salad when we get back from break. She said no, I was like, what the actual flip. I kept persisting her & asking why, she gave in & said, we'll see. My mother always buys junk food, since my siblings love them, even my bb bro loves to eat lays lol. My siblings are really skinny too, to add to my burning jealousy, my big brother's actually underweight, my little sister's skinny as , her legs are like sticks. Sorry guys for the rant. Btw I am 15, 4'10", & 102lbs. If you guys have any tips on height, that'd be great. On the upside, seems like they have a korean cosmetics place in the springtown plaza here, depends if my mom wins money OTL. Also sorry for any grammar mistakes, using a Samsung galaxy note 2 & it's not letting me swipe well.


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Dieting is not good for young people so i don't diet (becuz i can't give up food plus I want to grow taller).
ohh I went to NY too like last week. wah 102lbs is my ideal weight ^-^ but i'm 5"3 idk if that's healthy if I ever weighed 102lbs. I weight 4lbs more than u. I'm trying to diet but ahhaha no (can't do it).. but instead I exercise more than I eat (so tiring TAT)
My advice is, not to worry too much about it. It when you compare yourself to others, but you're healthy! I'm 20, and farrr worse than you. I don't see why the media has made younger people worry SOO much about such a thing. You're healthy, which is wayy better than under weight. If you just want to feel a little lighter about yourself, just eat healthy, don't eat junk food. But DON'T skip any meals!! Be active, but don't go over board! A light jog or a sport would be good. But don't stress so much about it, because honestly speaking, there are sooooo many people that wished they were you're weigh.
Every body is different. Everybody is unique. (I went to a group discussion this weekend that talked about self confidence and stuff) Try to be happy, because you're still so young and have later to stress about that stuff. You're in no way "fat". If you say you're "fat", what would people way bigger than you feel when you say that and they are actually bigger than you? I try to think of it like that. But you'er healthy.
I hope I helped. I'm sure you're not big at all.
Wow kudos to you for posting your info, I don't think I could do that...
So I calculated for your BMI for you and you're still in the healthy range. So try not to stress too much about comparing sizes with other people, you're HEALTHY.
I was reading a previous comment and it says to chew gum when you're hungry or something to still the hunger pangs, but DON'T. I heard on the radio the other day that some research showed that it actually intensified hunger. Not to mention chewing gum causes you to swallow more air, and you will have more bloated stomach problems. (Well, that is, if you have stomach problems like that. I do so >.<)
Bananas help in making you full, plus it's full of healthy stuff. If you feel hungry, DRINK WATER. Most of the time thirst is mistaken for hunger. (Not to mention you're supposed to drink like 6 full glasses a day?)
You need to sit down and watch some comedy or blooper reels and just feel good, laugh all you want.
(Psst if you want exercises toning your core I might have some. I found this article about toning your love handles, only did the first one, and man do my sides look better. IDK might just be me but building up one exercise can't hurt, right?)
and i have a classmate. she always have milk when she comes to school lol xD and she always eat veggies and her snacks is fruits. yenno what? she's tall, proportional body and nice skin T__T i envyher ok? :(
actually, the proportion shz starts when you're 18. so you're 15 and 102lbs i think it still doesnt matter. just worry when you turn 18. i'm 15, 4'11 and 48 kg (based on last check up. january 2013 lol) lol so healthy me haha anyway, my friend said if you want to get taller, continue to drink milk, maintain 7hours of sleep, no more no less. never sleep late at night because it wont help since cells regenerates on midnight. and what else? she said when sleeping, stay still. sleeping position must be straight xD lol :)) i did it and some said i got taller xD
I'm turning 18 this year and I'm 158cm and 54.9kg. I don't have a thigh gap and I have friends who are 45-48kg who are around my age and height. Eventhough I am jealous that they're skinnier than me, I'm quite satisfied with my own weight. It's just acceptable for me. But the only thing I am unhappy about is my height. I mean, 158cm for an 18 year old? So I'm drinking lot's of milk (low fat of course) and jumping around alot cause I heard it helps with height. Of course I watch my own diet.

Here's a tip: if you wanna lose weight, the solutions is to actually EAT MORE. Weird right? But it's true. You have to eat more in order to lose weight. But of course the things you eat have to be healthy foods. Take some protein (meat), two servings of vegetables and two servings of fruits (helps metabolism). And of course you have to exercise. But did you know, the longer you exercise, the less weight you lose? The maximum time of exercise you can do is just 20 minutes and you need not need the equipments. Just use your own body weight. Do some push ups, sit ups, skipping and the hula hoops. Really helps trust me. Just follow these tips and I'm sure you'll be satisfied with your own body. Of course the most IMPORTANT thing is your own WILLPOWER. If you have the will to do it, you have the will to exercise.

Wow I sound like some fitness trainer or smth. Anyway, I hope the tips I have you would be useful and good luck^^
i'm 15 and 5'9 and 89.3 pounds.
i don't really do anything. i'm lazy as a pig....
Well, for me, i'm 5'3 and 94.6 pounds (161cm and 43kg). People often say i'm skinny which i kind of agree but i'm not underweight, mind you xD
I'm those lucky few who doesn't put on weight when i eat but i'll recommend drinking loads of milk and jumping if you want to grow taller :)
You're not fat. That's a pretty normal BMI.
I'm 165 cm and 125 ..
BMI-wise, you are in the normal range. You're not fat at all. I can't give you any diet tips since I've never sucessfully finished one. I cave in too easily.
I'm about 5'9" and 110 pounds...I'm not sure if these tips would help you but they work for me!

1. Drink milk(or calcium suppliments) they really help your bones get stronger and bigger...but make sure to exercise or the milk can make you gain weight
2. Eat lots at breakfast(healthy of course) and then let your potion size get small each meal. Try not to snack but if you really have to try fruits.
3. Don't diet. It never works anyways. Just watch what you eat and make the right choices. Maybe you could walk or bike somewhere instead of taking a car.
4. Drink lots of water. It helps every part of your body feel clean, fresh and healthy^^
5. A few days of exercise won't hurt either >__<
Lol I'm 15 too. I went on a craze to get tall during my first yeae of middle school, when I was about 5'0", so I started competitive swimming and drinking a hella lot of milk and eating a shtload of bananas. And now after two years of that, I'm 5'7", 114 lbs, and on my hs water polo and swim team.
Try doing exercises that stretch out the body and tone the body as well. You don't want to be tall and stick thin cause that won't look good. Get muscle while you're at it, to proportion yourself.
Eat right and exercise :D
But by the sound of it, you're perfectly fine
hey youre actually in a perfectly healthy condition! but if you really feel conscious i wont hold you back just dont go to sudden extremes like kpop diets. my advice is eat a big healthy breakfast and medium to small sized lunch and dinners but snack on something (nuts crackers bars fruits) every 2 hours ish. AND EXERCISE!! just eating healthy wont do you any good. good luck :DD