〈 predestined : Hwang JiHee application for Change Of More Than Heart #8 〉



L a y o u t  b y  x x F i c t i o n
 Change Of More Than Heart

〈 Baconx3 〉 〈 Tifa 〉 〈 5 〉
❝ Hwang Ji Hee ❞  the  Ravager

  you talk like you know me  
〈 BIRTH NAME 〉 [Hwang] [JiHee] 
 ALIAS 〉  Sera
〈 AGE 〉 18
〈 DATE OF BIRTH 〉 February 11, 1995
〈 PLOT LINE 〉 Change Of More Than Heart #8
Ji Hee was originally a socially awkward penguin, nerd, loner and someone who gets tricked into love too easily. However, she changed and turned into a gorgeous girl that cause everyone into a jaw-dropping situation. Right now, her personality is more into the happy-go-lucky category. She's kind-hearted, good-tempered, thoughtful, caring, nice, kind, and would always try to help anyone who gets bullied in school. She hates to see girls cry over love like her past and had lost interest in relationships even since she changed. Also, even if she is known as a socialite, she'll still put no trust on anyone. Until now, nobody had actually gain a single trust from her. She thinks negatively on situations most of the time when she's alone. She hates being alone. Everyone sees her as a confident and bright person .. But, in the inside.. maybe not. Her confidence level is never high and when someone compliments her, she'll disagree with them. And when a bad situation happens, she oftenly depends on someone. Honestly, she is not a indepentdent girl but she would never ever give up. She's persuasive, and she would give it all in her fights even if it means.. death. She is protective and would always think in a way like "Everyone's life is more important than mine." She can be paranoid at times but she'll always find a way to calm herself down. She likes to comfort people and would always lend them a shoulder when they cry. Also, she would always be there for everyone when they're upset but when she's sad, nobody is there for her and she would never ever tell her problems to anyone. She bottles everything up in her heart and would just give a smile to everyone and say "I'm alright", when they ask if she's okay.
Dogs, Sports, Shopping & Eating.
Love, Playboys,  Her past, Crying.
Being called names that she dislike, Being played with & gossips.
Jogging, Swimming, Dancing, Reading & Writing stories.
Biting her lips when she's nervous & Talking in her sleep.
getting hurt over love, being alone & seeing her friends get hurt.
- She finds it hard to put her trust on anyone.
- She cares a lot about her weight.
- When she's angry, she turns scary.
- She hates love.
[I'll just let author-nim decide about her history. (:]

  appearance isn't everything  
〈 ULZZANG 〉 Kim Seuk Hye
 BACKUP ULZZANG 〉  Kim Shin Yeong
 HEIGHT 〉 165
 WEIGHT 〉 103 pounds
- slim.
- a scar at her lower back and a small scar on her forehead[covered by her hair].
- honey brown hair.
- brown eyes.
 OUTFIT 〉[1]

  strength is all i need  

 POSITION 〉 Commando | Ravager | Sentinel | Synergist | Saboteur  [Bold one]
 BACKUP POSITION 〉 Commando | Ravager | Sentinel | Synergist | Saboteur  [Bold one]
 BEST ABILITY 〉 Strength | Endurance | Agility | Speed | Stealth  [Bold one]
 WORST ABILITY 〉 Strength | Endurance | Agility | Speed | Stealth  [Bold one]

  take good care of my heart  
 LOVE 〉 Kris
 CRUSHES 〉 Kris, Daehyun, Sehun.
Kris had fallen in love with Ji Hee in love at first sight, and once tried to confess to her.. However, he got rejected. Even so, he had never thought of giving up and had been giving all his best to get her to fall in love with him. He believes that she is the one, and he would do whatever that he can, to be with her.
-someone who really loves her for everything, protective, good-tempered, nice, kind, romantic, hilarious, strong in combats, gentlement.
- N/A.

  i already know the answer  
How did you react when you found out that the crystal went missing?
I was shock and afraid at the same time, even so, I dashed out of wherever i am and went to look for the crystal. 
How do you react when you first meet the guys from the other nations?
Nothing much. Guys give no interest in me anyways. However, I'll still talk and make friends with them like the socialite i am. Making friends are alright but.. love? No way.
How do you feel about working with the princess and being chosen by her?
i would be more than happy to be working with the princess and i'm going to work hard on this thing. If the princess chose me, I would give her all my best to succeed .
How would you react if someone dies? Someone close? A stranger?
I would blame myself for not protecting them. After all, my motto is, " Everyone, first. Me, Second. " And I would hide myself in the room and shed buckets of tears, disallowing anyone to come in the room and see me cry.

  before you go  
〈 COMMENTS 〉 Ehh nope. I just hope that this story is going to be so awesome! Nyeehehee. I'm a huge fan of Final Fantasy and holy fudge, you should had seen my reaction when i found your apply fic. XD One word, Epic .
 SUGGESTIONS 〉  Make situations unexpected but interesting at the same time. (:
T H I S  I S  A  F A N T A S Y  B A S E D  O N  R E A L I T Y
Please remember to turn in your application at the right location!



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