↷ belle ville┊Kang Yunmi



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what is love?

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Height:180 cm ||Weight: 58 kg

Position:Main Dancer-Sub Vocal

Idol Type:TVXQ Yunho

Birthday:April 1st,1995

Favorite Song: Sixth Sense-BEG

Big Fan of BEG and Girl's Day


O & Pig


Kang Yunmi


name here.


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i need you & you want me.

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While I am generally shown as compassionate and helpful towards anyone in trouble, I am also a vulnerable, stubborn and very short-tempered girl. I frequently becomes angry and jealous, and will call my sister when this happens. Despite my temper, I has a more prominent gentle side. I have always come to the aid of my rivals, even consistently feeling compassion towards or helping people who try to make my life miserable. I have repeatedly expressed extreme disapproval in attacking or hurting anyone unable to defend him or herself. I has also apologized for my behavior, once I have had time to cool down or learn the facts. Most of my flaws can be attributed to insecurities about my own attractiveness, skill, or lack of traditionally feminine talents. Despite this, I seems to have an appeal to the opposite gender.  I always expressed great, traditionally 'feminine', fears of ghosts or reptiles and can be extremely frightened simply from a scary story or being in at a zoo. When severely upset however, I go into a bipolar shift into a state of arrogant derogatory insults, unreasonable paranoia and self-righteous violence, but I can just as swiftly switch back to being very kind again and make a shamefaced apology whenever I realizes a mistake.Girls are intimidated by me due to the fact that I am taller then them but that what make being tall fun.I am very awkward when it comes to aegyo which cause people to think its funny and cute at the same time so I just stick to trying to be y which work for me.

My mother(Kang Liran) was always to busy to raise me so I was raise by my father(Kang Ciro). Perhaps because of this, I appears not to have learned how to be cute and patience. My cooking is bad since nearly everything I cooks ends up making people sick, except for my cookies. I see my sister Nisa as a surrogate mother figure, since she helps me with being girly which did not work at first.I use to be a tomboy which explain my personality;getting into fights, acting tough, and improving my kendo. In elementary school, my classmates thought I was so much like a boy that they wanted me to play Romeo in their production of Romeo and Juliet; I accepts the role and plays a very cute Romeo, though deep down I always wanted to be cast as Juliet.I had a crush on Dr. Kyoung Choi, who patched me up many times when I got into fights. Unfortunately for me, Dr. Kyoung is besotted with Nisa older sister Nisa.So in an attempt to get his attention, I grew out my hair longer like Nisa's and acted slightly girly.When I was in sixth grade, I went to see a baseball game with my family and was shocked by the sheer amount of people attending. After finding out that the large amount was only a small piece of the entire world, and realized that I was only a small part of it, I believed myself to be ordinary, and deduced that if there is someone out there with an interesting life just like in my favorite book it should be me,This results in my desire to find strange things.In middle school,I becomes known for several things, such as putting talismans up around school, dating and often immediately dumping every guy who asks me out, and most notably drawing a huge graffiti everywhere....But none of it was true since I changed to a good person. I miss my mother very much and always tries to change the subject when people ask about my mother.My father was my hero growing up since I wanted to be the female version of him(Which I am) and he still is till this day.On my 16 birthday,my mother stop by to give me birthday present and told me that I look ugly compare to the rest of the family and never took it back which made it the worse ever birthday. 

singing twins here | dancing twins here | rapping twins here

Kang Ciro |Nice,Caring,Short Temper,Stubborn,and Funny)

Kang Liran |Quite,Caring,Hard Working,Polite,and Honest

Kang Nisa |Nice,Honest,Friendly,Shy,Funny,and Smart





















lover name.






He is pretty shy around girl groups that are not secret.He has gotten more sociable, but generally he's uncomfortable and shy around strangers(Mostly Girls Groups). He's really well tempered. Even if he gets mad or something bothers him, he won't say anything.He's really nice. Being well tempered ties into this, but he's also generous.He is really awkward with girls that it just funny to people around him.He is very insecure about his chin which is why he always seen with a mask or a bib when people are being funny.He like doing the laundry since he very sensitive about the clothes come out.He train 20 hours daily but he still do not think that enough.We meet when B.A.P and Belle Ville was guest on a radio and I had to choose who was my favorite B.A.P member so I said Zelo who was next to me.

















don't be jealous, cause i can do it myself.





rival: Han Sunhwa reason for rival:She know that I like Zelo but likes to flirt with him since she can see him at the company everyday,But she don't like me because I told her she just a dumb tramp. how do you meet? When Sunhwa and I had to be special Music Bank MC  together with U-Kiss Dongho


  • Bang Minah | Nice,Caring,Hyper,Funny,Outgoing,and Weird
  • Shin Dongho | Quite,Awkward,Nice,Funny,and Goofy




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