Author Rank Slipping~ But 2800 Unique Subs

My author rank is just 91 now.  It takes long to rise up but so fast to slip down~ I could only hope I get lucky with winning an advertisement again, but I've been really having a bad luck at timing for the past days off that I tried to bid. Hahahaha!! 


On the brighter part, it just feels good to be in aff and talking to people here again~ <3 and I was even able to update an OnTae twoshot fic~ It might not sound much but I feel happy and accomplished~ Hahahaa!! 


Just the other day, I reached 2800 unique subs too <3 Thank you so much, my lovely subscribers~ <3  I wish I could do an event for you guys but I'm still trying to get myself back to writing.  I'm not yet back on my usual pace.


If you see me online in your friend list, feel free to talk to me.  ^^


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wow 2800 subscribers you really are one great author :)
lucky youuu~
hae_ki #3
char~!!! :)
congrats u!!
congrats! 2800 subies! you are perfect!
2800?! WOOW!! Congrats <3
Kironstree #7