Kingdom Flyers- Jung Maeli



Aff user name and link : KpopKeepsMeCrazy

How active are you 1-10 : 9.5

What do I call you: Crazy 


Good Day is'nt it

Name : Jung Maeli

Age and birth date: 17 years old and was born on the 29th of December.

How tall are you: 166 cm

Weight: 50 kg

Kingdom: Traglad

Ethnicity: Japanese and Korean

Element: Fire


Nice day for a pretty face

Ulzzlang name : Byeon Seo Eun

Links to photos of your Ulzzlang: Gallery

Back up : Lee Ye Ji

photos of your back up: Gallery

Clothes : 

At KF Castle: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5

Fighting: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5

KF marking: Here


The past why this of it, but why not to think of it.


Maeli was a child of cruel circumstance... Her father who was a KF didn't marry his assigned KF partner and instead ran away with a human, who later became Maeli's mom. The two parents went into hiding with baby Maeli for 5 years. On Maeli's 6th birthday her dad left them forever only leaving behind a single note that told them to flee to Traglad and live normally... As in.. He didn't want Maeli to train to become a KF. For the next two years Maeli carried out her fathers wish and lived with her mother as a 'normal' child. But on her 10th birthday she couldn't stand it and wanted to see her father, she wanted to know why he left her and her mom. And the only way to do that was to become a KF. So from that day on she forced her mom into agreeing with her to become a KF and practiced her heart out. She practied from 3 in the morning all the way till twelve at night, not seeking help from another, and not even knowing if her efforts would pay off. On the january a month after her 14th birthday, Maeli's mom was struck with a serious illness. There was a cure but it was one that was too expensive for her or her mother to pay on their own.She told her mother to hold on and stay strong with her until she could become a KF and afford the medicine. For the next year, she trained even harder, eating less, sleeping less, and hurting more. Maeli trained and trained and trained. She was too late though... Because one day after practice she went home and saw her mother lying in bed dead. She was so still that Maeli almost thought that maybe she was just sleeping, but she knew better. 

After the funeral Zeraxes caught wind of Maeli and sought her out. Of course Maeli was happy to finally be accepted... But she secretly blamed herself and her father for her mothers death. She wasn't good enough to save her mother... She had been too late. With that burden on her shoulders, Maeli decided to live her life out for both her mom and herself as best as she could and she would strive to be the best KF that was there. And she was determined to meet her Dad... To answer the questions that had remained unaswered for too long. She was determined, even if she didn't know if he was still alive or not.


Maeli is a stubborn kid usually called a trouble maker by the people that know her. She likes skipping class to go off on her own and absolutly loves to pull pranks on people. Usually though she's just the loud mouth girl that has too much on her mind and too much on her plate... Yep, Maeli loved eating. Beef being her favorite thing to eat. She is probably the most energetic girl people know... Sometimes sleeping only 3 hours she can wake up with a smile on her face and be ready for the whole day. She can be a bit bossy but usually just likes to have fun! She is never mean to anyone or anything... Well unless you're a victim of one of her many childish pranks. Most people who don't know her think she's annoying and don't like her. But the people that do know her, know that she is actually a really determined girl who thinks she has to stay strong for others.












-The dark

-Giving up

-Needing help

-The death of those close to her



-Bites her nails when she's happy

-Whenever she gets scared she'll freeze up


Friends and family if you had one.

Jung Jaeyeon/ KF/ Was once a very happy man who lived to make the world a better place but also is a man of many dark secrets. He eventually went missing/ Was once Maeli's role model/ Dad

Jung Yubin/Human/ Timid and very calm. Had a lot of patients and got scared easily/ Took care of Maeli all alone and tried to protect her before her death/ Mom

Cho Chenu/ Human/ Queit and blunt very athletic and competitive/ Likes to provoke Maeli to compete with her and they joke around with one another/ Best Friend



Its all about you.

Nickname: May

Paraskinia: Flying tiger

Personality: Naive and strong willed... Loves the feeling of a fight and will rush blindly into things without being scared or nervous. Has guts of steel and loves to it show off. Isn't afraid to say what's on the mind and can be very lazy at times.


Short range she uses a katana

Long range she uses her shuriken 


Maeli is best at short range because she is so agile and fast, which makes it's really hard to catch her or hurt her. She is fast and precise with her sword aswell which makes for a great combo.

Maeli is not so great at long distance because she has horrible aim... She can only hit the targets 49% of the time. Maeli, since she is so short and skinny can get hurt easily if she ends up not being able to dodge an attack.

All in all, since Maeli is a light weight her rank in fighting I guess is somewhere around the intermidiate to almost advanced level? 

How was being trained before now: 

Maeli trained herself. She would set up a series of obstacles and test her strength against them. Since she didn't have much easy access to weapons she mainly focused on her physical strength. Which meant in a day, 24 hours time span, she would at least force herself to do 2 sets of 100 pushups, run 10 miles, and practice punching a tree for 2 hours straight. It was painful and hard but soon Maeli got used to it and bumbed up the amount of miles, hours, and pushups she did. Which made Maeli super fast and that's why she's so energetic and feels the need to move around so much!

Triva : 

-Likes to people's hair

-Pretends her mom is next to her when she is sad

-Sleeps with a night light

-Is afraid of the dark 

-Loves to be outside

-Can't sing or play any insturments but loves to hear Ren sing

-Favorite sweets are chocolate cakes!

-Loves to celebrate


Pets Pets Pets!!!!!!

Name: Ren~!




Ren is very smart and gentle person with a beautiful singing voice. He's really shy around strangers and prefers to stick next to Maeli's side. Almost like a lost puppy, Ren follows Maeli everywhere and just wants her to be happy. He is a forgiving person that wouldn't hurt a fly... Unless Maeli asked him to. If someone makes Maeli sad though, Ren is almost like a completly different person. He gets angry and just wants to hurt whoever made Maeli act that way. Surprisingly enough, even though Ren doesn't really hurt anyone, he's actually a very strong person. Both physically and mentally.

How you act around each other:

Maeli treats him as an equal or as a best friend. She tries to give him space, but it's almost impossible to not see the two by eachothers sides. They look out for one another... Mainly Maeli looking out for Ren since he gets teased about his looks a lot. In return for Maeli's kindness, Ren goes out of his way to make Maeli happy anyway possible. He studies extra hard to anwer any questions that Maeli might have and is the most obidient pet around. He doesn't question any of Maeli's logic and supports her ideals... Maeli feels that she can be herself around Ren and doesn't hesitate to share any of her personal problems with him. The same goes with Ren and the two have absolutly no secrets between one another. Ren acts a little shy around Maeli and has the tendancy to stutter or blush around her. Maeli being as oblivious as she is, never notices though...

What life style do you give him: Maeli gives Ren choices, she lets him do what he wants since she knows that he knows his rights from his wrongs. Even though Ren knows he doesn't have to be on his hands and knees for Maeli he still tries to help her. The two are practically inseperatable. 

Is he human or a pet born from KF parents with and element: He's a human.

how did he become you get your pet did the kingdom just give him/her to you did you find him/her in one of the pet groups and asked: Maeli found him in one of the pet groups. She decided to choose him since he was the only one that looked the most afraid to be there. 


Backup pet 

Name: DooJoon



Cold and distant. Likes to be left alone and not told what to do. He usually is blunt with his words and doesn't care if they end up hurting somebodies feelings. 

How you act around each other:

Maeli is nice to DooJoon while DooJoon could care less about Maeli. He feels that even though she's kind that he's trapped in a prison and forced to work for her. The two prefer to keep their distants but they have their moments where they can get along and almost seem like friends.

What life style do you give him: Maeli gives him a pretty normal life by not making him do to much for her and only gives him one golden rule... To not be such a jerk... But that's pretty hard for DooJoon.

Is he human or a pet born from KF parents with and element: Human 

how did he become you get your pet did the kingdom just give him/her to you did you find him/her in one of the pet groups and asked: The kingdom just gave him to Maeli.



Name: G.O 



A bit proud of himself and loves to boast about it. He likes to be in charge and won't take no as an answer. He finds that the best way to get what he wants is through violence and force. He's a bit strick and harsh to any of those around him and treats women as if they were the lowest of the low.

How you act:

Maeli tries to be kind to G.O because she knows that if she makes him mad he won't raise a hand agaisnt her... But he will raise a hand against Ren and punish Ren for her behavior. Maeli only comments when neccesary and feeds into his ego so that he won't get angry. Outside the two never talk to each other and basically avoid eye contact... It's pretty obvious that they don't really like each other. Even though G.O doesn't like Maeli romantically he still feels threatened (jealous) by her close relationship with Ren and likes to pick on him. Ren never let Maeli find out that it was G.O that gave him bruises and lied so that she didn't worry. When alone, G.O will try to make advances towards Maeli, but Maeli would always find a way out of them. 

Paraskinia: Bear

Element: Ice

Do you love him or not: Does not love him.


Almost done 

Comments: Hello thank you for reading~!  For um Maeli's ulzzang I like her better with the shorter hair cut >:3. Also I absolutly love fantasy fics and stuff so i just HAD to apply! I hope I did everything correctly just tell me if I didn't... Thank you again for reading and good luck on your apply fic <3

Scene request: Idk... Maybe just something very, amazingly, epically, really cute, and romantic between Ren and Maeli! :D

Suggestions: None at the moment ^^






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