Pussycat Dolls 2.0

I didn't know that the original Pussycat Dolls broke up and that there's a new one called Pussycat Dolls 2.0 but obviously, they aren't popular and a lot prefered the original group.


I really liked Pussycat Dolls. It makes me a bit sad to know this news... even though I'm late at hearing it @_@ 


I wished I went to their concert when they had one in my country T___T but I really hate teh fact that Philippines is made up of different islands and crossing over the sea via ships or airplanes can get pretty expensive.. ugh... 


Then I read wikipedia.  Their main issue was Nicole Scherzinger but despite the personality issues and attitude stuff, I still like her as a singer and dancer. It's just sad when I read this part:


"All of the Dolls are still friends, apart from Nicole. Nicole knows I had a child, my daughter Kaela Rose last year, but she never got in touch. A Pussycat Dolls reunion isn’t out of the question. Five of us — and not Nicole — could happen. But all six? Never. Too much water under the bridge.”


It's just sad T_______T   I wish they could have been like Spice Girls.  Look at them, they reunited in Olympics and in some sort of musical play where their songs will be a huge part of.  


Sigh~ I'm going back to my Kpop scene~ ^^;;;


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I liked PCD as well.
Even though I knew they broke up and had a lot of drama back then I miss them as well~
Really? There are PCD 2.0?? Mhh... I see... yeah XD
wait, what island are you in?
joohyun007 #3
I heard spice girls left out vic beckham? O_O??