★ ( D r e a m C a t c h e r ¦ ( King )

( D r e a m C a t c h e r

 The Mad King   Ging Bae Yeon

You And I

Username: beautyNcupcakes 

What Can I Call You?: SAIA

Activeness: 9ish 



Name: Ging Bae Yeon

Nickname(s): King--By everyone becuase he is  Bae--by his family becuase it makes him mad

Age: 19

Birthday: 03/15/1994

Gender: male

Ethnicity: Korean 

Language(s): Korean and Enlgish as if they are his frist languages and Bad Korean, REALLY BAD KorEingish 

Birthplace: Incheon, South Korea

Hometown:  Incheon, South Korea

Blood Type: AB 

ual Orentation: Gay--Doesn't Care


Mirror Mirror

Ulzzang Name: yu ha min 
Ulzzang Pic Links:

Back-Up Ulzzang Name: Won Jong Jin 
Back-Up Ulzzang Pic Links: 1.2.3

Height: 174 cm
Weight: 47 kg

*Anything Else?:

  • tattoo on his wrist 
  • tattoo on his collar bone saying "Sweet hell, the infinite hallucination."
  • 19 piercings, two in each eyebrow (he doesn't wear often), five in left ear, seven in right ear, tongue ring, belly button...and one he just smirks at. 


Fashion: crap i don't know he wears what he's put in. he doesn't care hardly ever wears the same thing twice though he has the money to do so. 

Dorm: 1 | 2 |3
Airport: 1 | 2 |3
Bed: 1 | 2 |3
Casual: 1 | 2 | 3
On A Date: 1 | 2 |3
Practice: 1 | 2 | 3
Formal: 1 | 2 | 3
*Other: he wears blue contacts a lot, or light brown other than that he does need glasses


One Of A Kind


Why change the public opinion? 

      If there is anything anyone knows about King it’s that he is egotistic, hot headed, and completely full of himself. King is known as someone who sees himself above everyone and has no time to care for anyone’s feelings. He is uncaring and cold; ice king would be a good way to describe him. He does not have time for soft hearts or simple minded people. 
Come near me with that thing and I will eat you!
     Anyone who actually knows King knows he’s a very private person. King isn’t one to show any emotion other than annoyance, though he will smirk and crack jokes, he always seems board. In reality King is just trying to contain himself, he knows that if anyone where to see his real self they might have him committed. Things like friends and confidants don’t come natural to King because he’s deathly afraid of anyone judging him.
SO it is true, you do taste like cotton candy! 
     Once King allows others in, he is a very strange wacky guy. He finds everything hilarious, in reality he finds people in general to be the greatest entertainment. Kings a strange guy inside and out, he is known to randomly come up with stupid ideas that will most likely have everyone looking stupid and enjoying themselves, though most of the time he himself is hanging back a smirk on his face. 
And you expected anything else? 
      In reality King just wishes for everyone to be happy, he hates to see anyone upset and if he finds someone upset around him he goes out of his way to make them feel better. If a girl is crying he will be sweet, in a King-ish way by complementing her, stating that he could see her as one of his girls, if he was into girls that is. Then he will ask if she wants to meet a friend of his, and if she didn’t mind a going rate of 500.Then in King’s point of view she is no longer sad just extremely mad at him, but that’s alright. 
If it’s anything King hates is when someone around him is upset, whether it be crying or just depressed, to him he can fix that and he will try. He looks out for everyone around him and feels it is his job to get things done, even if his manner of getting things done isn't always the best.


  • His cat, the only oe he loves and will kill anyone who says he loves it. 
  • Arguing with others. It's his favorate and seems like when he's the happiest. 
  • Talking in riddles.  


  • Dinosaur, not real ones, just those cartoon or drawn dino’s.
  • Wild 9’s (cigarette brand)  
  • Bratty children, he loves fighting with them and will openly argue with them in public.
  • Hairless cats.
  • Overly y, or diva girls-guys because its WAAAAAAAAAY to easy to upset them and he finds many ways too.
  • Quite girls-guys they are fun to make blush.
  • B rated movies.
  • Working on and behind the scenes of photo shoots and MV’s. 


  • That person that says hello to you really annoyingly in the morning, leaving you with a migraine
  • When the coffee’s to hot or too cold.
  • Cats, they are all evil.
  • Small spaces, once when he was little his older brother shoved him into a box and sat on it. From that moment on he has always felt the world was closing in on him.
  • Sweet foods, they make him feel all weird inside.
  • Drinking, he has ZERO tolerance for it, if you’ve ever seen HanaKimi and laughed at the main guy, well that’s King…though he will kill who ever says this or dares to make fun of him.
  • Sick people, mostly kids. 


  • Squirrels and all small animals. Thanks to a rabid squirrel attack when he was 10, he’s never trusted the crafty creature’s sense.
  • Small dark spaces.
  • Being stuck next to an overly happy chatty girl for more than 30 seconds.  
  • Anyone finding out to much about him. 


  • Smoking, when he’s nervous, stressed, happy, sad…the only time he doesn’t smoke is when he’s right out and out livid, because he can’t get the lighter to light.
  • Being mean to people he likes, it can be a real pain because he can be downright horrible.
  • Fidgeting, he can’t help it but to fidget with everything, zippers, buttons, ties to his hoodie, random fringe or stings, anything and everything he can get his hands on.
  • Looking down on people, he can’t help it; he’s always done it and knows he won’t stop.
  • Touching things that don’t belong to him.
  • Putting things in his pockets, he can’t tell you how many random items he’s walked off with out of stores or others house not meaning to. 


  • Taking strange obscure pictures or random things.
  • Watching drama religiously, he never misses one of his dramas and if he does all hell breaks loose, he loves the recorder on his TV.
  • Stamp collecting.
  • Looking for his phone, he loses it every day at least eight times a day.
  • Writing lyrics, he writes them all the time everywhere on anything…he’s one of those bathroom stall doodlers.
  • Collecting vintage skin magazines. 


  • He once spent three weeks in the hospital because of a ‘squirrel’ attack and has chronic panic attacks about them.
  • He’s extremely allergic to cat hair.
  • He can’t dance, well that is. If he practices at it he can get most of the dancing down otherwise he just looks like he’s messing around like a fool.
  •  He doesn’t believe anyone is ‘unfortunate’ or ‘doesn’t have a chance’ it’s all hard work that pays off and how hard you are willing to work.
  • He will run from kids under the age of six.
  • He’s obsessed with the infinity theory.
  • He models for his mothers company, both male and female lines 

*Pet(s): HoHo 


What Can I Do?

Family Background/History:

We all got roots.

    King was born Ging Baeyeon to a very wealthy family, the seventh child to come along and the most unexpected one. King has always felt his family just figured as long as he didn’t starve himself to death or kill anyone, then he was doing just fine.  The closest in age to King was his sister who was six years older than him, so all in all King spent his childhood well off by himself finding ways to entertain the days. 
    Not being close to his family and all seemingly not wanting to do anything with him King had the run of the house most of his life, raised by the head maid he came up with a few different values. None of which he expresses openly. 
What we learn how we apply it. 
    Baeyeon was well aware that his family was different than all the others, he also learned that hard work and dedication pays off. The head maid at his house making him clean to get what he wanted. As well as bad deeds do not go unpunished, the floors in the entrance hall could attest to that when Baeyeon decided he was going to be a spoiled brat. But it didn’t take long for Baeyeon to realize, money was power and even if he loved his sudo-mommy he did understand that he was a Ging and that meant he could get and have what he wanted. 
We now bring you the King!
    Due to a spelling error that Baeyeon never fixed he was simply known as King all though school. His attitude at first just cold turned worse as time and years went on. King learned fast that he would have no friends who just wanted to be around him, but wanted him for his money and his families’ ties. 
School Yard Trouble.
    Baeyeon has always been top dog at school; he was good at faking his way through tests when he was board. Other than that he was always in and out of the principal’s office due to wanting to get his families attention, this only lead to many lectures of ‘you can do better’ and he just seemed to give up in the end. AS for social he was known by everyone and everyone wanted to be his friend, whereas he wanted everyone to leave him alone. 
The roads we travel. 
    As King got older he realized that his family really couldn’t care if he was alive or dead, he had tried everything from getting good grades, to getting arrested, to scandals to everything to get his parents to pay attention to him, or his siblings, but nothing. So he took his own road and fell to the one thing he enjoyed, singing. King signed under a few modeling agencies none too big, got himself a few cameos in a few drama’s and movies. It wasn’t until he appeared on Star King to sing that his parents started to talk to him. His mother, saying that that’s my son my very talented son look how I raised him. His father saying, we all have one in the family, the disappointment it just happens to be my youngest. 

Family: everyone's still alive sadly ---I'm so lazy i dont' want to rewrite this don't hate me 

Ging Lee Som Sr | 63 | CEO for family Company | as long as King behaves good, if he doesn't then he gives King a call, King hasn't seen his father outside of 'family events' in his whole life.

Ging Lee Ra | 60 | Fashion Designer  | she is only King's mother when she gets something out of it, other than that, she's MIA

Kim Momo | 52 | Head of House Maid | VERY good, this is the woman who raised King and who he considers his mother, he goes to her for anything and everything one would go to a mother for. 

Ging LeeSom Jr | 38 | CEO in training  for family Company| They don't get allong at all, he thinks King is a waist of space. 

Hanna | 38 | House Wife | LeeSom's wife, she married at 17 and has been a part of the family her whole life. Marring her husband due to a 'business' deal she has never loved her husband. She and King are BFF's and they do almost everything together. She calls King once a day to talk about their drama's, King calls her Hot Momma and they have a running joke King will one day steel her away from her husband. She has three other son's who hate king 15, 13, and 12 who King reffers to as 'Them Brats' 

Mimi | 8 | Student | King's little princess, she wants to become a singer like her uncle and sees King more than her own father. 

Soomi | 6 | Student | King's little Diva, she wants to become an actor and is constanty 'acting' for her debut roll. 

Lee Mihi | 35 Fashion Designer for mothers Company | She's married with two kids, King has only ever seen her at family events. 

Ging SoomHye | 32 | GM of Family Company | He constanly tells King to stop being a child and join the compnay. He's married with three kids. His wife is mean and King stays away from his evil spawn children. 

Ging HyeSoom | 32 | International affaers at family Company | He is SoomHye's twin brother, he perrots his brothers beliefs over King. He's married and King thinks his wife is too pretty for him yet she's to dumb to function.  

Ging Jungyuu | 30 | Soccor Coach  | The best relationship King has with any of his siblings. He and King go out to eat all the time, King did attend every one of his Soccor games until Jungyuu could no longer play, now he attends his practices and fee loads off of his brother. Jungyuu dosen't live with the family or under the family any more, so King likes to slip him money when ever he sees him. HE is the ONLY member of the family who knows King is gay. 

Park NamKyu | 28 owns a ballet studio  | King can't say he enjoys this sister, she's alwyas been a mean brat to him and they enjoy fighting, well King enjoys the fighting. She is recently married and has an infent daughter. 


Kim Eli | 21 | member of Ukiss | They used to go clubbing a lot. Eli is one of the few people who didnt' know King had money, and King feels to this day Eli has no clue. They hang out almost every weekend they both have to spare and enjoy just kicking it. 

Cho Kyuhyun | 24 | member of Super Junior | They have a be mean to me I'll be worse to you relationship. They are really good friends if you can see their almost killing each other and verbaly attacking one another as friendship. They do its all that matters.  

*Best Friends: 

 Bang Young Guk | 22 | member of BAP | These two met in a weird off the wall party where King thought Bang was someone else and might have hit on him. Bang thought it was funny after King tunred a brillant shade of red and got all nervious. King's always been a bit lost around Bang, not sure why...he feels Bang can see right though him. 

*Rival: (only one; idol only)

Kim Himchan | 22 | member of BA| King doesn't know he just wants to piss him off. Himchan seems to just out right hate King. 


I Love You

Love Interest: Kim Himchan 
Been together for the last two years. They don't talk about it much. 
Age: 20 
Group: BAP 
How You Met?: they met through Bang Young Guk. He regrets it to the end of time. But they hit it off right away. By that they started fighting and haven't quit fighting. 

Personality: He is a well rounded silent type. He is a perfectionist and very caring once you get past his rough outside. 
How They Interact?: 
They fight like dogs ad somehow sill love each other. If anyone says anything about this relationship is that it is doomed to fail. But they fight and fight then they make up...half the time not even makeing up they just work.

Back-Up Love Interest:
A fellow band member. 
Age: ?? 
Group: Dream Catcher 
How You Met?: Through the band 
Personality: ?? 
How They Interact?: King is mean to them...it doesn't have to go anywhere just King like them is all...I really don't care if you use this or the other one. 


What Is The Dream?

 The Dream: King's dream is really simple to become free. Sounds werid but his whole life he has had to fit into his little bubble and he fights to get out of it al the time. So his one ture dream is to become free...he finds this by singing and the such. 

Why?:  Becuase then and only then can he really relax. 


Professional Info

Company?: He's been everwhere no one can handel him for more than a few months.  

How Long Did They Train?: three years 

Any Previous Before It?: no 

How Long?: ?? 

Trainee Year(s): Baeyeon’s training years where hard, like many others. For the fact he can’t dance made everything 10x harder. He also has his air about him and this makes it hard to work with him so yeah, he was the guy no one EVER wanted to be around so it was hard, as for anyone pinking on him, well if they did they were wise and did it behind his back.

Stage Name: KING 


Persona: THE MAD KING 

Personal Fan Club: The Gaurd 

Fan Club Color(s): Black and Navy Blue 

*Personal Twitter: theMADkingBAE

*Singing: 1.2.3
Dancing: 1.2.3
*Rapping: 1.2.3

Solo Activtie(s): he's good a writing lyrics and modleing but other than that he's good at doing what ever comes his way. 

Goodbye Baby

Any concerns?: do with him what you see fit have fun 

Scene Suggestions: he's not a real follower so a lot of arguments on his listing to his elders and leaders. 

Anything else I should know?: I will catch up dont' worry 





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