I'm doing it

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gPz5FXEa_3k   Who here likes zombie movies? XDD Well I do and I'm going to do a 5k run. It's supposed to be fun. You have three flags around your waist and people go out on the like trail and it has obstacle courses along the way. People dress up as zombies and they have to get your flag. (They go all out!) But if your flags get taken your out but you can still run the track. You have to be 14 and up and they go all over the place. and guess what???? XDD

B.A.P's ZELO IS DOING IT!!! He says it would be a great experiance and man isn't he right. ^^ Apparantly U-Kiss Dongho and EXO Kris is going to do it with lots others to. you people should do it to :D to bad we can't run together lol I'd let the zombies get you lol JK even though im a clutz and I'd probally fall and get hurt.


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