keep feeling down

so.. i saaw ppl posting abt their feelings so i cant help but post too.. Since 2013, ive turned really emo and depressed idk why :(? is it hormones and puberty? I ll jus feel really really  down sometimes(some days its all the time) and it totally affects my mood for studying and i get stressed and emotional too easily nowadaysD:. Anyone like this?:(i really hope i can go back to my usual self like last year...i hate being sad everyday/


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infinitedongwoo #1
I am very emotional. My family was a train wreck for like 2 years and it's just starting to settle. My guy-friend-crush has been sending me th biggest mixed signals, and my grades are very stressful. Not to mention I'm always hating myself for being ugly and fat. I cry a lot too... *sigh* v.v
im really emotional too lately v.v
i evem fought with my frnds and my family and i have mo one :/
im really depressed
AnnPark #3
If you want to talk about it deeper we can talk in PM