Kitten's 15 Minute KpopChallenge ~~~~

You can do this all at once or 1 per day however you want to do it XD its just something i came up with while i was bored.

1.If you Had the chance to Spend a full week with a Group which group would it be? and Why?
2.Which Group is your Favorite?
3.Who is your Favorite Solo Artist?
4.Which Group do you Like the Least?
5.How Many Bias's do you have?
6.Who is your Ultimate Bias?
7.Lets Kick it Old School, What is Your Favorite Song from Back in the Day?
8.If you had a chance to Date a Kpop Idol who would it be?
9.What is your Favorite Song From your Favorite Solo Artist(including Solo Members from Groups)?
10.If you had a choice to Become an Idol would you? if so Which Company would you want to be signed to?
11.How Would you React if your Bias, Gave you thier Cell Number?(Ik never would happen but just work with me here XD)
12.If you could Go Back intime to any Year to see your Bias which Year would you Go To?
13.Do you like any of these rookie Groups 2012/2013?
14.Do you Own any Kpop merch?
15.Worst Kpop Song you ever Heard?
16.The Most Annoying Kpop Song you know of?
17.The Worst Kpop M/V?
18.The Most Beautiful Song?
19.The Saddest Song?
20.The Wildest M/V?
21.The Cutest M/V?
22.The Kings or Queens of Derp?
23.The Most MeaningFul Song?
24.The Last Song you listened too?
25.Song you have LIstened to The most?
26.A Group that makes you Smile?
27.Which Idol you think has the Cutest smile?
28.What would you do if you see your Idol Group at a Club?
29.your OTP? or OTP's?
30.Playing Hide'N'Seek with your Favorite Group who is your Hiding Buddy?
31.Is your Bias Oppa/Noona or are they younger?
32.What is your favorite Song ever?
33.Can you speak any Korean?
34.What is your Favorite album?
35.your Favorite Remix?
36.Your Favorite M/V
37.How old were you when you first Heard Kpop?
38.WHich Scandal pissed you off the most?
39.Who have you been listening to Lately?
40. Which Group do you think has the Best Fashion Sense?
41.Which Group do you think has the Worst Fashion Sense?
42.Which Idol do you think has the Best Vocals?
43.Who is the Best Rapper?
44.Which Male Idol looks Best in a Suit?
45.Who was your First Bias?
46.Which Company is your Favorite?
47.Your Favorite Picture/s of your Idol or Favorite Group?
48.Favorite LIVE performance?
49.Your Favorite Parody Made by Idol Group?
50. Do you write Slash Fiction?


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