First Blog Post x))

Heyo! So this is my first blog post here on AFF X)) I've been a member here eversince, hmm, last Sept. 27, so I guess it has been a week or more already? HAHA

anyway, I would like to thank thos who read, commented and subscribed to my story "Love At First Sight" I hope you guys liked it and will continued to read the story ^^

I am also looking forward to the toher fanfics that I've just subscribed and I have to say, there are many talented writers here and I'm glad that I was able to join in this community ^^ I hope I'll be able to meet new friends and read more awesome stories! That'll be all for now, take care~~ ♥


PS:  if you have a facebook account, can u add me? and twitter, follow me? I follow back  ^^ thanks a bunch! :***

Facebook: Chime Oraiz

Twitter: 95MCOvercomer


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@ilovekwangminjo X)))))
WELCOME again~~~
haha xD
@dujunhyunglove accepted! XD hihihihihihi :))))