HM Entertainment - Trainee Application Form

Form Source

HM Entertainment Trainee Form

(Your Picture)

AFF Name :
Character Name :
Gender :

Age :
Birthday :
Height :
Weight :
Origin from :
School :
Favourite Food :

Favourite Colour :
Favourite Thing :
Address :

Skill : (max 5)
Hobby : (max 5)

Sibling :
(name | age | relationship | how you communicate to each other)

Friend :
(name | age | how close are you)

Best Friend :
(name | age | how to maintain it)

Love interest :
(name | age | relationship status | job | first meeting)

Background :

My Achievement :

Request for storyline :

Goal :

I Apply for : (Girlgroup | Boygroup | Band | Soloist | Actress | Actor)

I Agree to let author use my character for a good reason
(character name)


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How do you fill out the form? Sorry, I'm new to this kind of thing.