Application Form for "Glamorous" New girl group!




AFF Username: elisha960809

AFF Profile Link:

Active Rate: VERY:) I go on AFF every single day!! I think I'm addicted:D


Character Basics

Name: (Geum Songee) 금송이

Nicknames: Han Songee, meaning one flower. Many girls call her 'snobby, brat, spoiled'. English name is: Lydia Geum

Age: twenty years old~!

Date of Birth: 07/16/91

Height: 169 cm

Weight: 48kg

Nationality: Full Korean but lived in California, U.S.A most of her life.

Hometown: Seoul, Korea

Language(s): Korean, English. Very well both:)

Uzzlang: Kwon Su Jeong

after debut: &&

before debut: &&

Appearance: Sharp, could seem mean, looks like a brat. She mostly just wears eyeliner and a LITTLE bit other makeups. But when she wears eyeliner, her eyes look pointy and sharp and big. Her skin is white. Her hair is naturally straight but she curls it somtimes.

Character Information

Description: She always feels lonely and isolated because she is an only child in her family and her parents are cold to her. She loves being around people and she tries hard to communicate/chat with them but they always look at her weird. She was always famous at her schools (elementary, middle, and high school. even college) for being the spoiled, self-centered, bratty, snobby rich girl. She's not all that but everyone thinks that because her parents pay all the money for schools when they need the money and her family is SUPER rich. She lives in a fancy mansion. Everyone thinks of it as luxurious, rich, fancy, and etc, but Songee thinks of it as lonely, hollow, empty...Nobody hangs out with her because she has a bad reputation for being 'snobby'. But nobody can even have the chance of understanding her because her parents paid the school and all her teachers individually to seperate Songee's desk from the other students so she could study better and harder and more high-quality!!!

She doesn't have any friends at all...:(

Likes: She LOOOOOOOOOOOVES lemons!!! Every time she tries to make a conversation with someone, she tries to make the topic LEMONS. That's why people think she is weird. She also likes biking. It releases her stress. Whenever she's mad, she either goes biking or cries in her pillow, her eyeliner smudging on the white pillows... She likes being around people. She likes guys who dance really well and charismatically. She likes eyeliner. She can't go anywhere without them!!! She secretly collects animal hats:D She likes to make fake music videos with herself. That's how she plays with herselfxD

Dislikes: Being in the cold, abnoxious people, when girls bully her or look at her weird, her strict parents, going home from school (she hates it home because it's lonelier than at school. At least there are alive people at school!!!), crying in public, wearing too show-y things, wearing heavy makeup, being isolated from others, being rich, having bad reputation, hates MELONS!!! Too sweet for her. LEMONSLEMONS<3

Character History: You ask about her past? Well here it is...

Songee and her parents actually had a nice relationship...once until she turned twelve years old. They were still very rich at that time and Songee didn't have friends but she had her parents by her side. She loved coming home, talking with her parents, and especially playing with her older brother. Her older brother, Geum SongJun, was a very nice and charming guy. He was three years older than Songee and unlike Songee, he had MANY friends. He was very playful but gentle and caring with his beloved younger sister. Songee loved her life. Until one day, three days after her birthday when she came home....

Her brother was dead. What happened was that a couple of big guys beat him to death...

Songee couldn't even cry at first. Anger rushed through her, and THEN the sadness and sorrow hit her like a painful, salty wave, crashing against her open cuts. It hurt. From that day on, she began to hate EVERYONE. She was disappointed in the humans who would have the mind to kill her brother. I mean who would kill her nice, charming, popular guy that EVRYONE loved???

She hated everyone and her face was never smilling. That's actually the time where everyone REALLY thought she was mean and snobby.

But soon, she snapped out of the depression. She didn't want her brother to be disappointed. So she tried to force a smile and live her brother's life for him. That's why she tries so hard to get along with people. She always talks to her brother's old pictures when she is purely sad, or so mad that biking and crying in the pillow won't help.

How she became a trainee and is debuting as "GLAMOROUS"? In the beginning, she just happened to pass by a colorful flyer on the school's bulletin board. She read through it half-heartedly. The thing that made her desperate to go was when it said 'Are you feeling ugly? Are you feeling you're not beautiful? Well, GLAMOROUS IS FOR YOU!" She kept reading on and it was a flyer for auditions for being a kpop star. Her heart tugged at her. She wanted to be Glamorous...She wanted to start her whole life over, meeting new people who don't know her bad reputation!

She already does piano, violin, choir, flute, and ballet! She also has the IQ of a genius! She wanted to do this. She HAD to do this!

Family: Her older brother; Geum SongJun;Three years older than Songee;DEAD at age thirteen.

Her Mom: Cho Heri; Age is fourty nine; ALIVE; She's a famous lawyer. She has been super overprotective and strict ever since her son died. Isn't mean to Songee but doesn't act loving to her. Just treats her like another human.

Her Dad: Geum JunMuk; Age is fifty two; ALIVE; He's a famous brain surgeon. Makes a lot of money. Has been super strict and overprotective, invading Songee's privacy life ever since his dear son died. He punishes and yells at Songee of every single little mistake. Songee has to always be careful around him.

Her Cousin: Geum SunJoo; same age as Songee, twenty; ALIVE; her family isn't all that rich like Songee. SunJoo is fond of Songee. Sunjoo praises her because Songee is so pretty and rich. Also, SunJoo is the only other girl that knows about Songee's dead brother and feels pity for her. SunJoo doesn't approach Songee though because she is too hard to approach. SHe is mean looking.

Strengths: Singing, acting, biting into a lemon without making that weird face, studying/schoolwork, ignoring mean glares.

Weaknesses: Dancing, being social, being so fragile at heart, her parents (mostly her dad), joking/making people laugh with words, her eyeliner(like if someone takes her eyeliner away, she'll do ANYTHING to get it back).

Hobbies: Singing, daydreaming, reading, writing songs, writing poems, collecting animal hats, dancing to funky songs when nobody is around.

Likes: The color purple, staring at people and wondering random stuff about them (like: I wonder if they have a pet dog......), playing with fashion, animals, animal hats, animal drawings.

Dislikes: The color green, people insulting her, people bullying her physically, hurting her pride, being home alone, getting punished by Dad, SunJoo staring awkwardly at her, long sleeves, dog meat.

Habits: drumming her fingernails on the desk, raising her brows at people without realizing it, glaring when she's daydreaming, sighing when studying, cutting the lemons into big pieces.

Trivia: She buys eyeliner only at specific makeup store named "SoChic". She wears her eyeliner according to her mood (the tail up at the edge if she's feeling hyper, no tail if she's feeling calm, etc.). She has a brown poodle puppy that is one month old. That's basically her only friend... She hates minidresses. She hates long sleeves. She hates the number 9 for some reason. She has almost every animal in hat except a giraffe. SHE WANTS IT BAAAD:)

Journey to Stardom

Trainee Years: Three years.

Audition Story: After seeing the flyer, she goes to the audition building and auditions. She gets on to the next round! But her parents don't know about it. One day, the staff members call Songee's cellphone and Songee was grounded and her phone was taken away by her dad and her dad found out about the audition, not letting her go. But she sneaks out and passes the audition! When she came home, her dad found out and hit her on the calves with a thin, wooden stick 100 times. But Songee desperately wanted to pass and become a trainee because she wanted to get out of parents' house. She auditioned at the age of seventeen. It was in America. Later, she succesfully secretly passed all the rounds and became trainee! She runs away from home because now, she has to go to Korea. Her dad promised to kill her when she ever meets him again...She's finally living her life in Korea, but her dad sends his body guards to bring Songee back. But she's not her dad's daughter without any reasons. She knows how to blackmail her own dad...;)

Training Story: While she was a trainee, it was really hard because of her dad keep bothering her. Her mom actually wanted to let Songee go because she feels more free without her daughter around the house. What a horrible mom.... But in the company, it was still hard to communicate with her teammates because she was so unused to it. All the members think she's weird because she seems to be happy all the time, but refuses to talk to them. But she's just shy and doesn't know how to respond to them.

Trained For: Dancing, Singing. She wanted to challenge herself so she chose dancing.


Stage Information

Stage Name: Songee

Persona: Awkward One, Odd One Out

Position: Main Dancer, Vocalist

Individual Fanclub Name: ChunSongee (thousand flowers)

Individual Fanclub colour: Purple~!




Pet(s): Brown Poodle Puppy. Name is: MingMing. 

Partner: Donghae Lee-25-A lot of girls like him but thinks ALL girls like him. Self-centered. Loves being loved:D

Meeting: They never met but Songee doesn't really like him because HE is rich, snobby, spoiled, self-centered, but nobody hates him..

Love Triangle: Yes. Jonghyun from SHinee.

Who You End Up With: Donghae Lee.

Best Friend: Eventually, SunJoo. Model of SunJoo can be Tiffany from SNSD or Sulli from F(X). You choose. You can change the name SunJoo to Tiffany or Sulli if you want. Or to someone that is another member of Glamorous.

Friend(s): Luna and Krystal from F(X)

Rival(s): Sunny from SNSD. The reason is because she is her sunbaenim but she thinks Songee sometimes glares at Sunny. Also, because Sunny doesn't want Glamorous to break SNSD's records and fame and etc.



Any other talents: Writing, eating lemon, violin, piano, flute.

Song Suggestions for first album: Ballad: My Dear     &&     Kpop/Hiphop: Call Me Pretty

Anything Else: I really hope I get chosen because this group seems so great~! I worked so hard on this application. Literally took two hours straight. It's twelve at midnight right now and I have school tomorrow:/ Haha lol THANKS:D


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