The Korea Business (& War in General) [reblogged]


This is worth reading guys. 

Okay, I have seen enough people on this site getting their in a wad and crying because their 'oppars' are in the army, air force, or even the navy for their conscription and I have more than a few words to say on the matter.  I know that it about the whole NK business stuff going on, but compared to everything that's happening in the middle east, NK is really not that big of a blimp on anyone's radar for war.

First, I am thankful that Luhannie is a Chinese deer. He won't have to be in the army when he gets 30. Sure NK isn't that much of a trouble. But the allies are. Russia and China. Both countries has it's own Nuclear weapons. That would be a big pain in the neck because both allies are prepared and have the capability in a war sense. ---me.

1) I'm sorry to say this, but it isn't, because even though NK has the means to start a war, they don't have the means to end one, so even if they say they are going to war, they probably only have enough man power and funds to have a month to two month long war tops before they are overtaken by allied forces.  And their nukes? They will not launch those, because every other country that has their own nukes (US, Russia, etc...) would take measures in their own hands and NK would most likely be stopped within an hour.  Seriously, the US has missile operators working 24-7 ready to push a button when needed and they won't hesitate to do it either, and I'm not joking when I say this.  And knowing Russia and a couple other countries with their own advanced weapon systems, they are just as prepared.  So really, the NK only has enough power to start a war, but really has no way end it and keep it going for months and years at a time like WWI, WWII, Vietnam War, and all the stuff that's going on in the middle east.  Plus, NK really doesn't have any 'allies' that would be willing to help their cause and because SK is in good standing with the United Nations and the US, they have the back up they need to end things quickly. 

And that whole thing about NK entering a state of war with SK?  Well, SK and the US already have preemptive measures in place to take care of it.  So it's really not as worrisome as something like the Syria Conflict in the middle east.  Plus, if you think about it even more, the US already has troops already stationed at SK and the surrounding countries to help keep things at bay with NK. 

(And if you want to talk semantics, technically NK and SK have been in a state of war since the 50s, so something like this isn't new and is most likely all talk.)  

And if you compare NK to terrorist groups, NK is somewhat of a laughing stock.  I mean, terrorist groups brainwash people to do things like suicide bombing or have the surrounding countries have everyone carry around ak47s with them.  Even the children have guns, and NK who only has so many people and a totally different and more proper mindset compared to a terrorist group, their threats aren't taken lightly, but it's not as worrying as it could be.  

If we had some rebel group from the middle east with a set of nukes, then that is way more threatening and scary then NK saying they are going to nuke people.  

2) Would NK really launch it's nukes?  

I don't know about you, but not one country is willing to launch it's nukes and I base this off the Cold War between Russia and the US.  Both countries had nukes, both countries were willing to use their nukes if needed, but not one was willing to actually launch a nuke and start a nuclear war. 

There is a difference between starting a nuclear war and launching nuclear weapons due to retaliation.  No one is willing to start a nuclear war, because they understand that nuclear weapons are so much worse than people shooting each other.  If you launch a nuclear weapon, you have the possibility of killing way more civilians, and not one country wants to kill their civilians if they can help it.  It also looks terrible on the country for doing so and the country not only has to be prepared from retaliation from the country they nuked, but the surrounding countries instead.  

Retaliating with a nuke is way more socially acceptable than nuking someone and starting a nuclear war.  There are reasons why no one has nuked the middle east, who is much more volatile and dangerous than NK.  So unless NK is really crazy and doesn't want to follow military rules from the Geneva Convention, then that's entirely different, but NK is not and their are too many stigmas for NK to really justify themselves by starting a nuclear war.

3) Military tactics vs Government groups like the CIA. 

I don't know if people realize this, but the military must look good in front of the public eye, must showcase the best of one's country.  So the military has to follow rules upon rules before they do anything, especially when it comes to something like war, and it's the same for all countries.  

But if you take in account government agencies like the CIA or the NSA, they can do all the the military can't do and get away with it.  No joke, any country with their own government agencies like the CIA have their own little 'terrorist groups' that are sent out to instill fear in people just like terrorist groups do.  They can kill people without having to do excessive paperwork.  They can use unneccessary force to do what they need to do, and they do.  These groups take care of everything the military can't, because the military always has to appear good to the public, but the CIA?  The NSA?  MI6?  They don't have to do any of that , because they don't have to appear 'good' to the public eye at all.  

They take care of all the business that can't be done by the military or the stuff that needs extreme covert operations.  

So really, the NK military really can't do what they want and get away with it without a bazillion repercussions if they do decide to do something like nuke people.  And not only would NK have to deal with other countries militaries for doing something like that, but their secret government agencies as well that have no problems with ing the NK over and over for years.  

4) Kpop stars already in the military will not be sent to fight unless needed, and they aren't really needed.  The military has a first line of defense that usually takes care of everything war related.  They are the security forces, the people trained to fight others and undertake war tactics and execute war.  The security forces are the first people to be sent to war, and the people that usually die first.  Harsh, but true, especially since you don't hear about 'engineer whoever' died but rather 'security forces operative whoever' died instead.  

Sure, there have been cases where non-security members died, but the number is quite low compared to all the people in security forces.  

And to get in security forces, one has to undergo very strenuous physical tests to get in them.  It's not like the military is going to send their guys that aren't well trained in combatives/weaponry/tactics and don't have the body and endurance to back them up.  So unless you have kpop stars wanting to be gungho and pass those highly demanding physical tests, then there is the chance your oppar may go to war.  

But usually most kpop stars don't get put in security forces because they don't have the skills and physical attributes needed.  Sure they may be able to dance and outsing people, but there is a difference between dancing and having a six pack than someone who can do 200 pushups, run a 4 minute mile, and swim 3 miles within twenty minutes all consecutively.  So most likely your kpop stars aren't doing something like that and most likely wouldn't be able to do those tests without some intense training to do so.  

In fact, most kpop stars may do the physical training expected of them when in the military, but they probably have a desk job and work in communications.  

Plus, the military doesn't just assign you to a job, they let you put down a few choices on what you want to do and place you according to that.  So you're not going to get some high school grad working on rockets because they said they wanted to do so.  The military will put them where needed, and most likely, they are stuck doing a job like force support where they take care of communication stuff and do things to keep morale high within their respective military groups.  

5) I don't know about you, but even though SK has conscription, most people are 'willing' to work in the military for their mandatory two years.  And the kpop stars that don't are usually because they don't want to up and leave their career (which is a valid concern, because you can be hot stuff one year and lame the next) and may even be slightly afraid and don't understand what the military is about.  But once one is in it and knows how things work, being in the military isn't bad at all.  Sure you become a figurehead for your country and you are held to higher standards, but being in the military and contributing to your country in ways that you can't normally do because you aren't in the military or some government agency is empowering and makes people proud.  

Being in the military is not for everyone, but most people feel a sense of achievement when they have the chance to contribute to their respective countries.  It also gives one a better sense of nationalism and pride in one's country, rather than needlessly saying you're proud, but haven't really done anything to contribute.  So really, you shouldn't be butthurt when your oppars go to the military, because even though it's what they have to do, it's also a good place to gain new experiences and outlook on life.  

6) War is never going to stop.  Fighting is never going to stop.  Because even if you stop it once, it doesn't mean it's not going to happen later.  Just think about Germany in the first two world wars and their part in it and how they got involved and why they were involved in the first place.  Or look at the Cold War, it happened for decades, and even though we learned a lot, there is still trouble that brews between the US and Russia.  

Stuff like this is always going to happen, so one just has to learn how to deal with it the best they can and hope that nothing happens like it did during Vietnam or any of the World Wars.

7) If you compare battle statistics now with battle statistics back then, the number of people that died or were injured is significantly less now than it was years before.  Seriously, millions of people died during WWI, WWII, and Vietnam War, and I mean millions of people, not the thousands that have died so far today.  And I know it doesn't make more much sense since our weapons are better than they were before, but seriously, a lot less people have died today during stuff like the Syria Conflict, rather than a single battle from WWII.

My Convo with conneriscool12

  • Conneriscool12:  If NK decided to 'start' the war between them and SK, then it would be a very short war because not only does NK not have the money to fund their war for a very long, they don't have any 'allies' willing to help keep them going when it comes to fighting battles and whatnot. So even if something is started, it won't last that long, and most likely casualties won't be as bad as what some people are thinking, especially if you compare it to something like the Syria Conflict or Iraqi War that's been going on.
  • Me:  In contrary to what you have said. NK have it's own allies. namely Russia and China. But when it comes to war and the likes, US empowers all military defenses so i think when a war took place, hopefully not, NK would be most likely to lose. I kind of agree with what you have mentioned earlier about the money to fund their war needs. Tsk Tsk Tsk. That Kim Jung Un, why does he have to declare an all-out war with SK when even the foods of his country aren't enough? He needs to think rationale. As for the casualties, we would never know as long as the war itself didn't even begin. or not. because during their last battle late 1950's, the two koreans never really signed a peace treaty right? Oh god. Sorry for replying you an essay. hehe, I would look on the blog you linked me~ Im sure there would be some nice thoughts there. 
    Also, thanks for sending your feedback!
  • Conneriscool12: Russia and China may be allies, but war allies? Not so much. The two countries are in favor of helping NK come to peaceful resolutions between them and SK, but are in no way willing to help them financially or socially when it comes to violent resolutions. Russia has already taken sides with the United Nations and their views on nuclear war and such matters of the like, so Russia essentially condemns NK's whole outlook of using nuclear weapons and their view of starting war with SK. And if NK ever decided to use nuclear weapons on SK, then China would be screwed as well, because not only would SK people die, but Chinese people would die as well. So even though NK does have allies, they really don't allies willing to help them with war, so essentially they don't have 'allies' in the war sense. 

    The two Koreas peace treaty was signed, but it literally left the two Koreas the same way as it was before the war, so the peace treaty was virtually useless.
  • Me: A peace treaty was signed? Isn't it just a very long cease-fire? Hmm. I guess I should browse up my History notes then!
    Wait, You said there that 'if NK ever decided to use nuclear weapons on SK, then China would be screwed as well, because not only would SK people die, but Chinese people would die as well.' uhm. I don't think I get your point here. And why is it that China won't help them in a war? The failed rocket launch was between NK and China right? Isn't that a sign of China taking sides with NK? But don't you think that when US backupped SK then Russia might help NK? I mean, Russia and US are under Cold War right? In that sense, Russia can be a possible 'war ally' to NK, considering US has taken NK's threats to SK seriously,.. I have another question though, what's bellicose rhetoric?
  • Conneriscool12: Yes, a peace treaty was signed, but it was a really crappy peace treaty that really did nothing to stop what happened. It stopped war, but didn't stop NK and SK having terrible relations with each other.

    Nuclear weapons affect people up to miles, and since NK is a reasonably small country, Chinese people along the borders of the Koreas would be affected as well, hence Chinese people dying and turning into casualties. China is allied with NK, but they kind of want NK to deal with it's problems peacefully and without violence as well, but they haven't really realized that turning a blind eye to NK's nuclear efforts is actually going to hurt them in the end. China is really just allied with NK because they have some interest in NK as a whole, but in the long run, NK declaring war on SK really does nothing for the country socially or economically. Plus, China doesn't want to involve itself in way if they don't have too, especially when it can potentially destroy everything they worked for, and for China who is a major world power, they would definitely get some flak from something like this. 

    Russia and US share a few common goals and views on certain things, nuclear war is one of them, and by being influenced by the Cold War for years, they definitely don't want NK to go to such lengths to start something like that. Plus, Russia is a part of the United Nations, so they aren't willing to go against the United Nations either, so that's why they are not willing to help NK as much as some may believe, especially if NK keeps on threatening people with nukes. They may show some support for the NK and provide supplies and aid, but once NK does anything remotely dealing with potential nuclear attacks, they will retract their aid pretty quickly at that point. Plus, Russia wants NK and SK to settle things peacefully, so them helping NK out in a war related effort is defeating the purpose of what they actually want to happen.
  • Conneriscool12:  Bellicose rhetoric is essentially aggressive and hostile language/arguments/displays that are usually insincere and unlikely to happen towards something. So if you take NK for example, they've made plenty of threats to do stuff to SK and it's allies, yet have done 'nothing' or 'anything' big of the sort.
  • Me: I guess that settled what's troubling me. 
    Wow. Looking back, this was actually really long, is it not? I like you. Your feedbacks help me clear out my thoughts. Thanks! Just a question though, how did you know all of these? Are you some sort of a military student? Or in the army as I assume? Haha. Maybe just a person of the norm with extraordinary logic. Or just a person a little bit wiser than I am~ ^^
  • Conneriscool12:  No problem, I'm glad I was helpful. 

    I am actually an engineering student with a minor in defense studies, so it's quite common that stuff like this pops up on my conversations. That and the fact that I usually write analysis on current events for my minor courses. And I read security and global intelligence books for fun, and I'm contracted to be an officer for the military when I finish my degree and graduate. So I guess you can say I'm just surrounded by people that cause me to look at the bigger picture of things and where the US is in general as a whole.

Having a small convo with conneriscool12 is really helpful when it comes to these matters. 

original post here 


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WW I and WW II are bad examples of wars.... because they were on such a MASSIVE scale <_< only 280 some thousand people died in the Vietnam war.... and the average battle on the Allies side the death toll was over 300,000 just for the Allies (mostly because Russia would lose around 1 million or so per major battle)
Yesh =w=~~~~~~~~~
The amount of intelligence and information on this post blows me away! I was not really scared for the idols in the army, cause I know they would choose their career than military training. Sure, it's rejuvinating to help your country, but there are different people with different views. Anyways, lovely post :)
I only read the first paragraph. Ugh, I'm lazy, but I understand where this is going.

The original writer irks me a bit though. I mean, "my Luhannie, is a Chinese deer"? /shudders a bit/

Okay back to the main point, I agree that people should stop whining about their poor "oppas" and hopefully this is true and NK would be easily beaten, even if there was a war.
Wow! Can I ask u how old u are?
You really blow my worries away :D
Thank you for writing this :3
The way of your thinking is so mature!