Hello and Welcome to the Aethon RS Family

Hello everyone!

It is I, your darling leader, Quessie. I have gathered you here for one reason and one reason only:


LOL, no, just kidding.

Really, the reason you are getting this message is because you have been chosen to be on the staff of Aethon Request Shop. You have been after reviewing your applications and evaluating your (wonderful) work, I have decided that you would be the best fit for this shop. Thank you for applying!

First, just a little bit about myself.

My name is JaQuess, aka aeru, aka Quessie, aka Jay. I am currently a 19-going-on-20 sophomore in university. I have been graphic designing as a hobby for about four years, though I have been reading and writing fanfiction since I was seven (I know, I know). I first got into K-pop when I was in my sophomore year of high school, and it has been a rather passionate love affair ever since. I run a K-pop blog called 'K-Pop Fangirl Problems' on tumblr, and I also founded the Korean Drama Club at my university. I am a global studies major, and Japanese minor, and have plans to teach English in Japan or Korea when I graduate.

I decided to start Aethon (as Aethon Designs) at the end of 2012, but about a month ago, I realized that I could not keep up with everything by myself. I wanted to share my love of graphic design and fanfiction with the AFF community, and I have, but now it's time to open the doors to a new stage in the life of Aethon. That's where you come in.

When you applied to be a part of the Aethon RS staff, you also applied to be a part of a family of talented and dedicated designers, reviewers, writers, and readers. As a part of this family, I expect that we treat each other, and our followers/requesters with the utmost respect. If there is a problem, whether it is between us or us and one of our followers/requesters, handle it with maturity.

Now, on to the more technical things.

I have forms set up such that only the staff of this shop have access to the submissions page. Here are the links to the submission pages for each form. In order to see it, you must enter a password. You have been sent the password in a private message. The password is the same for every submissions page.

Graphics Requests

Story Review Requests

Graphics Review Requests

Layout Requests

Trailer Requests


As for submitting completed requests, you will submit them using a simple form. This is so that I can keep them organized, and should the AFF crash or something like that, I have them backed up somewhere. For the story reviewers, please type your reviews in a blog post, or just copy and paste the text into the submission box.

Completed Request Submission Form


And um, yeah, that's it for the technical stuff. It's not much really.

Please please please save this page for future reference. And as always, if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask me! I am really looking forward to making Aethon RS the best shop it can be, and I know that I can count on you all to be the wonderful human beings that you are (mass murders of the group included). Even though I don't know all of you that well yet, I love you all ready (>^w^)>




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You got me so excited at the TAKE OVER THE WORLD part D: