fangirling so much rite now.

im dying like legit. went to an anime con and someone there was selling kpop albums and i bough suju and just before that i was like 'ahh im so mad i dont have any money' then i met the person who ran the table with kpop+anime stuff and i said 'omg i love suju' and she was like 'my friend is selling a suju album' as soon as i heard that i was like 'psh i got money for that' i looked in my wallet and was like 2 dollars off and i was like and the person who sold it to me gave me a small discount and i was so happy (went from $30 to $28). when i got the bonomana album i died. i was like tearing up, i was like this is too much for my fangirl heart like its about to burst. im listenting to it rite now ^^ idk if this was on purpose of not but i got two mr.simple pics (one of Donghae and one of Siwon) IM SO FREAKING HAPPY when i came home my eyes were like sparkling and i was smiling like a crazy idiot. ill upload pics of the album later XD so happy 

for those who can understand my happiness its cuz im a huge ELF and its cuz this is my first album. XD 


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