People Who Post Then Delete


I dislike you people... Why must you post on my wall or comment, and then delete it before I can see?!

I can still see the alert, you know?!

Ah...someone has been doing this for the past while, posting on my wall and then quickly deleting...

It's okay, I'm not THAT scary... You can say what you want to me ^^

But seriously, this is like saying, I have a something to say, let me tell you! Oh...actually nevermind, bye!

Arg! It drives me crazy!


Edit: The culprit has come out. She's just my cute little friend...


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shinee4ever2012 #1
that is definetely not me~

BlackPearl96 #3
Enieez #4
Ooh..I'm so sorry..That was a pm for the letter to bias..but I forgot to press the pm..that's why I deleted..
I'm very sorry If i made you angry with me..