News about At World's End

I started out working on a Kyungsoo drabble, and I planned to have happy conflict resolution and 2/3 of the way through I said NO. Not every conflict has a positive outcome, and then the drabble got long and dark and I realized that there were some issues that needed ironing out because s**t happens in real life and everything's actually been going pretty well in the grand scheme of things when you think about it and I was side-eyeing myself for being too idealistic. 

So basically, I've wound up with a two part drabble, the first of which focuses on Kyungsoo and the second of which is more OT12 but in a not-happy-ish kind of way. (Movie trailer voice) There will be doubts, there will be fights and there will be a divide.


Oh and there will be feels. Lots and lots of feels.

To give you a hint, the two-part series is called 'A Crossroads of Hope.' Prepare yourselves now.

(It's 11:53 PM and I'm up writing for you guys OTL you see what I do for you all?)


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cheysa_deer #1
Well see your update soon! Hihi
Brigi_monster #2
I'm scared... I have a feeling I'm going to suficate in feels ;A;
ohs noes. But I look forward to it! <3