GD Sitation! (News so far!)

We reported that Big Bang‘s leader G-Dragon had been arrested and warned by the Seoul police for smoking . As the story progresses, more details are being released about the circumstances surrounding his case.

“On June 15th, there was a search-and-seizure done on G-Dragon,” said a representative for the police. “The original urine tests came out negative, but a hair test performed in July, the results came out positive,” he said.

YG Entertainment had no immediate reaction. “It’s a shock,” said CEO Yang Hyun Suk. “We will make an official statement when everything has been verified.”

“There has been an emergency meeting,” revealed a YG insider. “It appears necessary to change our plans for Big Bang as well as GD&TOP,” he said. “G-Dragon is undergoing self-reflection as well.”

This latest incident is expected to have negative effects on G-Dragon’s scheduled comeback later this month, as well as GD&TOP’s promotions in Japan. YG’s standing on the KOSDAQ, Korea’s stock index, is expected to take a hit, as well.


In the documents released to the press, YG Entertainment stated,

'We would like to sincerely offer our deepest apologies to all the fans and to everyone who appreciates Big Bang’s music.

G-Dragon underwent an investigation for smoking last July. Because G-Dragon had never smoked , we cooperated with the investigation confidently and proceeded as usual with scheduled events. However, according to the hair strand test, G-Dragon tested positive for minuscule amounts of , which shocked us.

While we were contemplating what the reason could be, we thought of the event that occurred in May during their Japan tour. There was a drinking event to celebrate a successful concert with various Japanese associates who visited us at the concert location. When G-Dragon went to use the restroom, a young person who seemed to be a Japanese fan recognized G-Dragon and offered him a cigarette as he greeted him. Out of courtesy, G-Dragon took two or three puffs, but upon feeling that it was different from normal cigarettes, he flushed it down the toilet right away.

We thought it to be a trivial event, and soon we were unable to remember that it ever happened. However, when we began to ponder over the reason for this positive test, that night’s event returned as the likely cause.  We contacted the prosecution right away and related the event exactly as it happened.

Although there was no legal penalty issued, the guilty conscience and responsibility for causing everyone pain is a weight that G-Dragon and the company must now carry upon our shoulders, and it is heavier than any penalty.

As celebrities who have received a lot of interest from the public, and as a company who is supposed to thoroughly manage them, we sincerely regret the emergence of this situation, and have been self-reflecting on our carelessness. We deeply bow our heads as we apologize for causing you to worry once again, and we will try our best to make sure this type of event does not occur again.'


It also appears that GD was going to be releasing another solo album in October(later on this month) but that is also on hold:(

We need to stay strong&make sure BIGBANG knows we love them! Keep buying their albums and what not! Including show appearances, albums and merchandise, BIGBANG makes over 50% of YGs profits. If YG couldn't make all this, then we will expect people like GUMMY, SE7EN and even 2NE1 to stop making music. And I'm way more YG than SM or JYP or CUBE or any other company! 

There was also potential for GD to go on the black broadcast list, which means he wouldn't be able to go on any shows or anything!:( but luckily, that was changed! 

I really do believe JiYong in what he's saying! I feel so bad for all this! BIGBANG have been going through a lot lately and they are such awesome people! Through all this I still really respect them and aspire to be like this! 



For all those who read my fic 'Let Me Blow Your Mind.. in Japan!' I will be adding this in!&updates soon! I'm sorry I haven't been updating, but I've been reaaaaally busy! Sports, dance, yoga, etc!


-GtopJkey!^_^ xoxoxoxoxoxo


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i cant wait to read those update.. well, i might not read it in this time...
I hope and pray that our dearest BIGBANG member and especially leader GDragon would go thru this and stay strong !!
BIGBANG is in need of our greatest support right now !! must be the 5 years curse but I know they'll make it !! =DDD
JonghyunnieHyung #3
you know.....i dont see why everyones flipping out so bad about this. i mean...if GD werent famous like he is people wouldne be reacting the same way. and smoking shouldnt have anything to do with his popularity i mean really...his music is still addicting and hes still a great idol. akahfiusdufisdjfiyhgasasfdoisadigfvsdksf.
i'm a VIP too, but everyone knows that is a drug and that they dont care about if you didn't know or you did it on purpose right? After the daesung incident and now this, maybe it's the 5 years curse :/

just hope they can get better and we should le tthem handle it themseleves instead of always finding someone to about. it is their lives after all, even though they live a public life. big bang hwaiting <3
shesgoneohshesgone #5
VIPs wont let anything happen, and dont buy akpop says.
that whole case is so blown out of proportions. like jiyong said he didn't do it on purpose, he didn't know it was and as the test said it was 'miniscule amounts'. I honestly don't get why they're making such a big deal out of it, but I hope this won't affect all of them too much. with everything that has happened I hope they will still be able to stay strong. big bang, hwaiting! <3