Angel Entertainment [Girl Group] 9Angelz




AFF Account Info

❥ Username: MIssInvader

Character Info

❥ Birth Name: Tia Cho

❥ Korean Name:Cho Tia

❥ Nickname: Tiara

❥ Ethnicity: Korean

❥ Birthplace:Seoul, South Korea

❥ Hometown: Hong Kong, China

❥ Date of Birth: July 1,1995

❥ Age: 18 years old

❥ Height: 176cm

❥ Weight: 56 kg

Family Background

 Personality: Tia is an extremely quirky girl with a serene disposition and many eccentric beliefs and qualities. She is a complete nonconformist; she lacked self-consciousness and not afraid to show who she truly is.Tia is also highly intelligent and unusually perceptive, having been home-school since she was 3 years old.Although many think Tia is bizarre, some of them still became her friends.Her demeanor and voice are often distant and dreamy, and she would drift away from a conversation she did not find interesting. She has an uncanny way of making others uncomfortable by being bluntly honest — a "knack for embarrassing honesty" according to her mother.She is completely unflappable and rarely seem anxious or under stress, even under difficult circumstances.was often the subject of ridicule and had difficulty making friends. Other people gave her the nickname of "Crazy Tia" and even stole and hid her things. She is unfazed by this, and instead chose to be nonjudgmental and accepting of the others around her.She is very loyal to the few friends she have, supporting her best friend even when she lost her husband to another woman.Tia a loves to make people laugh and smile because nobody like a bitter clown and Iit part of Tia good nature to make people happy.She often ignores other people's advice and does things her own way, which usually results in the outcome being better than predicted. She is kind and cares for those she loves.She has vicarious fun dressing up babies "like a baby doll" and decorating for and throwing parties.She laughs at jokes, but never at people since it might hurt their feelings.She shows her opinions and who she really is because she hopes that someone somewhere will genuinely want to be her friend.Sometimes she pretends she's a Jedi Knight and re-enacts all the scenes from Star Wars which make everybody laugh.She wears cat ears on Sundays and meows when spoken to because of a dare about 8 years ago.Tia once wrote a play and her Aunt ended up reviewing it as a comedy instead of a regular play. Ironically, everyone who ended up coming to see her show ended up enjoying it because of its "comical" nature.She also seems to be worried about her father's opinion of her hopes and dreams and went to great lengths to make him see she could be an wonderful idol

 Background: She was born as a twin with her sister and they spent all of their time together, only recently learning to open up and become friends with other people. Their mother is a wealthy fashion designer, and both of them seem to take after her in appearance; they have grown up to be much like her in personality and fashion skills as well. Their father on the other hand manages a computer software company and doesn't seem to resemble them at all. As a child Tia grew up never being apart from her sister and they both became very codependent on each other.They used to live with their family and dog Shintarō in a big house. After her parents divorced they went to live with their mother in an apartment complex and, since dogs were not allowed, their mother bought them a stuffed animal which they named Shintarō as well. Some time after that the real Shintarō was run over by a car.Tia was very popular with boys during her life at school but girls bully her so she became know as a player since she went out with half the boys at the school.She was taught at a young age how to work since her mother own a candy/ice cream shop.


Sister || Nia Cho || 18yr|| Trainee at Angel entertainment

Half Brother || Liun Cho || 1 years old || N/A

Mother || Reyon Bang || 37 yr|| Fashion Designer

Father || Yion Cho ||38yr || CEO of a Computer Software Company

Step Mother|| Annabella Cho ||  21 years olds || Model



  1. Sweets
  2. Hello Kitty
  3. Music
  4. Anime
  5. Harry Potter
  6. Animals


  1. Bugs
  2. Bully's
  3. Pictures
  4. Party's
  5. Snobs
  6. Dirty Nails


  1. Reading
  2. Drawing
  3. Writing
  4. Baking 
  5. Listen to Music


  1. Cuss in Chinese when Mad
  2. Point out people flaws
  3. Cry when won something
  4. Act likes she know everything


  • Favorite Song is Btob "WOW"
  • Wants to marry at 24 years old
  • Favorite Food is Raman Noodles
  • Allergic to Milk
  • First Kiss was in the 4 grade
  • On The Cheerleading Team at her school
  • Big Fan of Block B and Girl's Day

 Tattoos/piercing: N/A

 Languages: Chinese(Fluent),Korean(Semi-Fluent/Learning)


 School:Graduated from Korea Kent Foreign Schhol

 University: Attending Korea University

 Why your character auditioned for Angel Entertainment: Her sister was trying out but did not want to do it by herself so Tia said she audition with her but just for fun.When Both of them was accepted Tia was surpise and was happy to become a trainee.

 Training Company before Angel Entertainment: N/A

 Training Duration: 2 years

 Pre-debut works: Background dancer for Sistar "Alone" and an Ice Cream CF

Stage Info

 Stage Name: Tiger

 Persona: The Know It All Werido

 Specialties/Talents: Drawing and Designing outfits

 Instruments: Guitar

 Dancing: [1] [2]

 Singing: [1] [2]

 Rapping: [1] [2] 


 Favourite Colours: Green

 Personal Fan Club Name:Cubs

 Club Colours: Orange and Black

Love Interest

 Love Interest: BTOB Ilhoon

 Age of Love interest: 18 years old

 Nationality of Love interest: Korean

 How you met: On a Varitey Show where both BTOB and 9Angelz was the geusts.Ilhoon got partner with Tia which made them lose because the show involes Sports but Tia at sports.

 Personality of Love interest:One word to describe him is mostly Lively.Ilhoon likes any music that is hip hop or easy to listen to.He is mostly seem acting cute and strong charisma since it was he in charge of in BTOB.He is unpredictable which is why he has many ideas. He hate to skin ship with other people.He has a very childish behavior which is one of the reason he is popular.If something needs to be done than he will do it the best he can and put all his effort into it.He doesn't like trouble. Not only does he not like getting in trouble, but he doesn't like conflict.He's playful and fun.He have a flirty side to hime which surprise people even s all the time.

 Are you two already dating:No, it more like Tia have a crush on him since that her idol type and He don't know her yet.

 Appearance of Love interest: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]


❥ Best friends: 

Amber Liu || F(x)

Minah Bang || Girl's Day

Zelo || B.A.P


G-Dragon || Big Bang

Qyuain Uon || Trainee


❥ Ulzzang Appearance: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]

❥ Back up 1 Ulzzang: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]

❥ Back up 2 Ulzzang: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]

❥ Style: Her Style is a shirt with leggings that people would notice or have to do a double take.

❥ Style Pictures: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]


❥ Facebook: N/A

❥ Twitter: Tia86Meow

❥ Tumblr: MEOW!GRR!Tia


❥ Comments/Suggestions: N/A

❥ Scene Requests: A kiss scene on a tv show,Tia fall while 9Angelz performing live on tv,and Tia being a Guest MC.

❥ Password: Girl's Day




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